No cash accepted, but dont worry! Try something new, the service help you with bitcoin. The coffee is really, really good, every single time we come. Other plus points: very delicious cakes and wifi.
Just loving the local informal atmosphere. Paying with bitcoins was fun :) You can find a better coffee around, but this one is very good too and they offer a lot of joy for your sweet tooth. :)
Just a plain and good coffee shop. Ignore the bitcoin thing - there's always someone here to help with that. The most important thing is the coffee, and it's excellent.
One of the best coffee in Prague.Unusual and nice atmosphere. You can pay only by bitcoins. You can exchange money there, but it would be better if you have already had some. Pleasent staff. Thumb up!
Výborná káva Bonanza a velmi milá obsluha k tomu. Super prostor, zákusky za přijatelné ceny. Bitcoinyjsou trochu vopruz (dost lidí podle mě i odrazují), ale není to tak složité. Za mě určitě ano!
Káva Bonanza, interiér paper, super jednoduchý. Platí se Bitcoinama, doporučuju stáhnout aplikaci Blockchain a nahrát peníze tam a platit přes QR code ;-) Super nápad!