I really enjoyed breakfast here. I had sandwich with bacon (but really it's ham) with eggs and salad. Staff super friendly. And you can also shop for healthy food inside.
Great egg and bacon breakfast! Also ate lunch here, gnocchi and fresh mushrooms, their soups are great to. Highly recommended! And staff speaks great English ;)
Great place, love it! Nice people and nice stuff to buy - everything in BIO and also Bedynky delivery possibility! :) Very peaceful garden just opened...
Good coffee, yummy bacon and egg sandwich (though the bread was really ordinary). Unfortunately, although the staff were very pleasant, the service was really slow (the place was not busy).
Zajímavé místo, které nabízí velkou nabídku zdravých pokrmů od snídaní, polévek, přes bio jídla až zákusků. Šli jsme zde na kafe, dali si malinovoj limonádu. Nebylo to špatné, ale čekali jsme víc
Kousek od náměstí Míru, v tiché Belgické ulici, jsme pro vás připravili prostor, kde se můžete zastavit, odpočinout si u dobré kávy, zákusků a sendvičů a nakoupit čerstvé bio potraviny pro vaši kuchyň.