They recently re-opened it and it's really great! Different halls all with environmental topics, but very nicely and interactively presented. We spent 2 hours there.For me it's a must see in Montreal!
Wonderful place makes you have a real thought about importance of nature and the impact we have on it as humans.Definitely worth visiting and they made me one step closer to become an environmentalist
I am not sure if I liked this museum.They mostly point out the globe problems but dont give you any advise how you could behave better or if there is anything you could change.Nice architecture though
Si sabes el idioma, te entretienes mucho. Debes tomarte el tiempo para ver cada una de las salas... Me encantó vale la pena, se recomienda ir con credencial de estudiante xq hacen descuento de 5CAD
La Biosphère propose des expositions et des activités aussi éducatives que divertissantes pour mieux comprendre les grands enjeux environnementaux liés à l'eau, à l'air, aux changements climatiques, au développement durable et à la consommation responsable.