"The first large American university library to be constructed after World War II, the Harvey S. Firestone Memorial Library opened its doors in 1948 and now holds over fifty miles of shelves."
· Princeton, United States
"Stop by the Princeton University book store on Nassau Street and grab some Tiger gear."
· Princeton, United States
"Prospect Gardens, which lie behind Prospect House, were designed by Ellen Wilson, who lived there with her husband, Woodrow Wilson 1879, while he served as University president."
· Princeton, United States
"The Stamp Act Sycamores, the oldest trees on campus, were planted (according to legend) in commemoration of the Stamp Act’s repeal in March 1766."
· Princeton, United States
"The McCarter Theatre Center offers drama, music, dance, film, and other events ranging from acrobatics to mime. It also hosts the annual show presented by student members of the Triangle Club."
· Princeton, United States
"Lake Carnegie, which is owned by the University and serves as its intercollegiate rowing facility, is a popular community recreation area, providing a site for rowing, fishing, and canoeing."
· Princeton, United States