Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013
Voodoo Doughnut is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

1. Voodoo Doughnut

22 SW 3rd Ave (at SW Ankeny St), Portland, OR
Donut Shop · 542 tips and reviews
Voodoo Doughnut Too is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

2. Voodoo Doughnut Too

1501 NE Davis St (at NE 15th Ave), Portland, OR
Donut Shop · 213 tips and reviews
Ken's Artisan Bakery is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

3. Ken's Artisan Bakery

338 NW 21st Ave (at Flanders St), Portland, OR
Bakery · 96 tips and reviews
Blue Star Donuts is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

4. Blue Star Donuts

1155 SW Morrison St (at SW 12th Ave), Portland, OR
Donut Shop · 227 tips and reviews
Lovejoy Bakers is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

5. Lovejoy Bakers

939 NW 10th Ave (at NW Lovejoy St), Portland, OR
Café · 93 tips and reviews

6. Sweetpea Baking Company

1205 SE Stark St (at SE 12th Ave), Portland, OR
Bakery · 45 tips and reviews
Back to Eden Bakery is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

7. Back to Eden Bakery

2217 NE Alberta St (at NE 23rd Ave), Portland, OR
Gluten-Free Restaurant · 43 tips and reviews
Saint Cupcake Galore is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

8. Saint Cupcake Galore

1138 SW Morrison St (at SW 12th Ave. & Morrison St.), Portland, OR
Bakery · 35 tips and reviews
Petite Provence of Alberta is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

9. Petite Provence of Alberta

1824 NE Alberta St (at NE 19th Ave), Portland, OR
Bakery · 70 tips and reviews
Petite Provence is one of Portland's Best Bakeries - 2013.

10. Petite Provence

4834 SE Division St (at S.E. 48th Ave.), Portland, OR
Bakery · 28 tips and reviews