Half smoke all the way. Only way to do it. Nothing like anything else anywhere else, ever. Nothing better. I stop here after a 13 hour shift because if I'm here, I can't miss the chance to eat several
Past customers read like the end of an African-American history book: Ellington, Carmichael, Cosby, and now, Obama, who ordered what every guide book would recommend: chili, sweet tea, & cheese fries.
Want good food near where you're standing? Check this notable and one of a kind restaurant. Featured on TV and previously enjoyed by President Barack Obama.
Eat a half smoke after bars close. Then skip the all-out melee for a cab by booking with Taxi Magic. Schedule pickup around the corner (13th & V, maybe) and outsmart the crowds.
Jan 11(right now!): the National Day of Action Against Guantanamo & the NDAA! Join us at 1130 in Lafayette Square across from the White House. The program and march will run from Noon-2:30pm EST
Ahh such WONDERFUL memories. I've enjoyed chili fries and Half Smokes here since 1990. All who are Cardozo Alumni had to have stopped in here at least once....or many more. The place is packed after l Read more
The half-smoke is a half-pork, half-beef sausage native to DC, generously covered with Ben's chili. The result – unparalleled deliciousness. – Adam Richman, Man v. Food Read more
Get the Chili Half Smoke w/ Mustard & Onions -- even if you don't like mustard, onions or chili. Heck, even if you don't like meat. This is why God made Ben.