20 favorite restaurants
Yellow Dog Tavern is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Yellow Dog Tavern

386 Donald St., Winnipeg, MB
Pub · Downtown Winnipeg · 15 tips and reviews

Benjamin J.Benjamin Judson: Great Chili, good food all around.

White Star Diner is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. White Star Diner

258 Kennedy Street (Between Portage and Graham Avenues), Winnipeg, MB
Diner · Downtown Winnipeg · 6 tips and reviews

Benjamin J.Benjamin Judson: Fabulous burgers.

Wagon Wheel Lunch is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Wagon Wheel Lunch

305 Hargrave (Portage Avenue), Winnipeg, MB
Diner · Portage - Ellice · 4 tips and reviews

Benjamin J.Benjamin Judson: Best Club house anywhere (gone down a bit since the son took over), going to close in 2012 for a new hotel, but worth visiting before it happens.

East Ocean Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

4. East Ocean Restaurant

350 Hargrave St, Winnipeg, MB
Chinese Restaurant · Downtown Winnipeg · 4 tips and reviews

Benjamin J.Benjamin Judson: Cheap AYCE Chinese food, not a lot of choices, but cheap.

Mooshiro is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

5. Mooshiro

708 Portage Ave, Winnipeg, MB
Sushi Restaurant · Wolseley · 7 tips and reviews

Benjamin J.Benjamin Judson: Great Value for AYCE Sushi, I have a good experience everytime, many places will have better sushi, but this place is a great value.