"Pick up 5 pieces of trash and leave the park more beautiful than you found it!"
National Park
· Yosemite National Park, United States
9.5"Your fellow travelers may be excited, stressed, depressed or simply losing their mind. Be kind as you don't know what they are feeling."
International Airport
· SeaTac, United States
6.9"Can be a dreary and unfriendly place and it can be easy to get sucked into the negative vortex here. Make a stranger smile - you will feel better too!"
International Airport
· Newark, United States
5.2"Pick up 5 pieces if trash and help keep the mountain beautiful!"
Ski Resort and Area
· Alpine Meadows, United States
9.5"Do your body a favor and mainline some vitamins. Cool green is great."
Smoothie Shop
· Long Beach, United States
7.4"BIG burritos"
Coffee Shop
· Geneva, United States