Suuuper sedap.try the combo so many choices.the meat is tender and the sauce delicious.cost $7.must try 👍👍👍SUKA RAMAI MAMA POWER stall no: 26.bedok corner.
Try the Claypotpig trotter i if you like trotter. The pot will keep your trotter hot while you eat. The meat is tender enough and the gravy is nice. Cost $5.50
ONLY the Cheng Tng. ----Yue Lai Xiang Hot and Cold Cheng Tng Bedok Corner Food Centre Stall 31 aka Bedok Food Court Junction of Bedok Rd and Bedok Junction Open 12pm to 8pm Closed on Mondays
Ye lai xiang cheng teng. I was impressed by their service. A guy accidentally broke one of their bowls. Instead of gettin angry n askin cust to pay, they gave them a new bowl! Fantastic cust svs.