4 Best Dart Bars in Washington D.C.
Rocket Bar is one of 4 Best Dart Bars in Washington D.C..

1. Rocket Bar

714 7th St NW (at H St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar · Chinatown · 89 tips and reviews

BBC AMERICABBC AMERICA: Jukebox? Check. Cheap? Check. Games? Triple check. Walking down the steps of Rocket Bar is like walking into the games room of your dreams, complete with dart boards to get your game on!

Buffalo Billiards is one of 4 Best Dart Bars in Washington D.C..

2. Buffalo Billiards

1330 19th St NW (at Connecticut Ave. NW), Washington, D.C.
Sports Bar · Connecticut Avenue - K Street · 103 tips and reviews

BBC AMERICABBC AMERICA: One of the biggest games bars in town! At 4,000sqft and 500 tables, it's truly a bar made for sports enthusiasts. Bring all your friends for a round of darts - there's more than enough space.

Spider Kelly's is one of 4 Best Dart Bars in Washington D.C..

3. Spider Kelly's

3181 Wilson Blvd (btw N Hudson St & N Irving St), Arlington, VA
Bar · Lyon Village · 92 tips and reviews

BBC AMERICABBC AMERICA: Twenty-five flat-screen TVs and more than enough darts boards for everyone. Grab some friends for the perfect Thursday Night.

Penn Social is one of 4 Best Dart Bars in Washington D.C..

4. Penn Social

801 E St NW (at 8th St NW), Washington, D.C.
Bar · Penn Quarter · 60 tips and reviews