"Left car for transmission service , charged me $250 ($100 more them anybody else) , no service was done, but found my back seats removed, blocked car demanding payment. Not to be trusted! Find another"
Auto Repair
· Ridgewood, United States
"Use 2 have good food but now they cut corners. The Easter Drob was like pâté (shouldn't be like that). Stay away from the pretty waitress- her nasty attitude will ruin your appetite."
Bb B ·
April 21, 2014Romanian
· Sunnyside, United States
7.1"Serbian-Romanian ortodox church"
Bb B ·
April 20, 2014Church
· Middle Village, United States
"As a woman , got 1st quote 4 tune up $450. Challenged them and price was dropped to $320. Got my own parts from their store & were about 2 charge me Xtra 4 labor. Argued & paid $220 w/10%off coupon"
Bb B ·
December 8, 2013Auto Repair
· Ridgewood, United States
5.0"Best travel guide ever!"
Bb B ·
November 21, 2013Travel and Transportation
· New York, United States