Semarang must try places

1. S2

Jalan Sisingamangaraja 19C, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Arts and Entertainment · 69 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: ga usah puyeng mikir parkir, ada Valet Service koq..not much but enough..

2. Mal Ciputra

Jl. Simpang Lima No. 1 (Jl. K.H. Ahmad Dahlan), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Shopping Mall · 28 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: masih yg paling rame dah nee Mal, binun juga kenapa..not much but enough..

3. Java Supermall

Jalan MT Haryono No. 992-994, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Shopping Mall · Lamper Kidul · 176 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: nee Mal klo mo ngatur sedikit space untuk parkir disekitarnya (dan PKL tentunya) pasti bakal lebih keren..not much, but enough..

Kayu Manis Coffee and Chocolate is one of Semarang must try places.

4. Kayu Manis Coffee and Chocolate

Jl. Prof Sudarto No.1 (Tembalang), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Café · 30 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: great place to hang-out with your friends, plenty of small arcade games also (UNO, cards, chess, etc) ټ Sumatra Mandhaeling is my fav, try the coffee choices is a most..

Café Coco Madeleine is one of Semarang must try places.

5. Café Coco Madeleine

Jalan Sisingamaraja 31 (Parama Graha Apartment), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Café · 39 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: you should try the Fries & Mushroom !! great match for the Hot Chocolate ƪ("°͡o°)͡ʃ​ ‎​ƪ(°͡o°")͡ʃ

Stove Syndicate (Coffee & Waffle) is one of Semarang must try places.

6. Stove Syndicate (Coffee & Waffle)

Jalan Ngesrep Timur 5 No.27, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Café · 53 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: cozy place to hang out with your friends..try the cappuccino or hot chocolate, or the juices if you want something fresh..

7. Mie Pangsit Pak Tumin

Jalan Cilosari Raya (Kaligawe), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Noodle Restaurant · 1 tip

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: Mie Pangsit paling top nee, pesen kuah or kering sama enaknya puolll..

Beans Resto & Coffee is one of Semarang must try places.

8. Beans Resto & Coffee

Jalan Mayjen Sutoyo No. 944 (Kampung Kali), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Coffee Shop · 51 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: Vietnamese Coffee (ˆڡˆ) served with their origin, taste great..

Piccadilly Lounge & Bar is one of Semarang must try places.

9. Piccadilly Lounge & Bar

Hotel Dafam (Jalan Imam Bonjol No. 188), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Lounge · 8 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: best hot choccolate in town, you should try !!! mandatory (ˆڡˆ)

10. Warung Penyet Si Boy

Jalan Kusumawardani (Pleburan), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Food Truck · 16 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: nama di menu lucu2 ;) semuanya murah-meriah..

San Bao Long Kopi Tiam is one of Semarang must try places.

11. San Bao Long Kopi Tiam

JL. Tembalang Raya No: 1B, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Coffee Shop · 14 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: teh tareeeeek maaaaang..

12. Pakne Heksa

Jalan Sidorejo (Mataram), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Diner · 10 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: pesen bebek goreng, udang goreng, plus sambel "super" nya..klo ga nambah 2 piring suruh Mbak-nya nelen cobeknya..ahahahaha..uenak tenan..

13. Side Pocket Pool & Cafe

Pasaraya Sri Ratu, Lt. 4 (Jalan MT Haryono No. 922-924), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Pool Hall · 24 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: malam Minggu mending mesen table tyus tinggal makan dah..antri gilaaa..not much but enough..

14. Waroeng SS

Jalan Sompok Lama No. 22 (Sompok), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Indonesian Restaurant · 77 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: Cah Kangkung plus Sambal Teri nya kudu dicobain..uenak tenan..

15. Plaza Simpang Lima

Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani No. 1 (Simpang Lima), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Shopping Mall · 38 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: pusat handphone ada di lantai 3, pusat komputer/laptop ada dilantai 5, foodcourt di lantai dasar boleh lah dicoba klo mendadak lapar..hahay..

16. Simpang Lima

Jl. Simpang Lima (Lapangan Pancasila), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Plaza · 365 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: pusat Handphone ada di lantai 3 .. pusat Komputer dan sejenis di lantai 5 ..not much but enough..

17. KFC

Jalan Sultan Agung No. 97, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Fast Food Restaurant · 79 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: jajal after midnight deh, still a cozy place to grab some meals..not much but enough..

18. Warung Makan Mbak Tum

Jalan MT Haryono (Lampu Merah Peterongan), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Indonesian Restaurant · 41 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: silahkan pesan Koyor atau Opor, menu andalan disini..uenak tenan..

19. Citra Bundo

Jalan Jenderal Ahmad Yani - Jalan Brigadir Jenderal Katamso (Jalan MT. Haryono), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Indonesian Restaurant · 9 tips and reviews

Deny R.Deny Rusdiansyah: Rendang, Paru, Sate Padang..tambo cie Daa..hahahaha, ga rekomendasi buat anak kosan sering2 makan dsini karena harganya mayan mahal..

20. DP Mall

Jalan Pemuda No. 150, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Shopping Mall · 123 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: this is the right venue !! DP Mall..

21. Peacock Coffee

Jalan S. Parman No. 3, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Coffee Shop · 137 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: bring you friends to hang out at any hours, yup this place open 24/7 guys..tags done by me, he3x..some duplicates venue already been merge to this place..thanks SU whoever done it..

22. Starbucks

Paragon City Mall, GF (Jl. Pemuda No. 118), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Coffee Shop · 233 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: bring your friends, ciggaretes, and cards..order any coffee..mind the price huh ????

23. Basilia Café and Dine

Mal Ciputra (Jalan Simpang Lima No. 1), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Café · 65 tips and reviews

Elna L.Elna Lalita: Try the food and beverage. All are fresh, organic, healthy, and non MSG. My recommendation is the lasagna and all fruit juice.. Read more.


Mal Ciputra, Lt. 1 Mezzanine (Jalan Simpang Lima No. 1), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Coffee Shop · 31 tips and reviews

Winston S.Winston Soemarto: Hot Kalosi toraja buat hidung mampet jd plongggg........

26. On On Pub

Jalan Rinjani No. 21 (Hotel Candi Baru), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Pub · 32 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: get some dinner, western flavour..ask for the Mushroom snacks, you should like other place have Mushroom as On-On's..

27. The Blue Lotus Coffee House

Jalan A. Yani No. 197, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Coffee Shop · 44 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: you should try the Cappuccino choices, still the best in town..IMHO..

28. River View Cafe

Simpang Lima Residence (Jalan KH. Ahmad Dahlan No. 6B), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Café · 47 tips and reviews

FaninaFanina: 24hour with good wifi connection. the rest is nothing special

29. Tugu Muda

Jl. Pandanaran - Jl. Sugiopranoto (Jl. Imam Bonjol - Jl. Pemuda - Jl. Sutomo), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Monument · 130 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: bring your camera, take a picture beneath it's light at

30. Ayam Goreng & Sop Buntut Bu Salim

Pringgading, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Soup Spot · 5 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: langsung pesen ayam selera lu 2 pcs, dijamin kurang klo satu..Sop Buntutnya jangan dilewatin lho, nyesel klo ga nyobain ヽ( ゚∀゚)ノ

31. Susu Sapi Murni

Raden Patah, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Food Truck · 2 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: pesen langsung Es Susu, mantabz ga pake lama..murni pula..

Paragon City Mall is one of Semarang must try places.

32. Paragon City Mall

Jl. Pemuda No. 118 (Jl. M.H. Thamrin), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Shopping Mall · Sekayu · 430 tips and reviews

BartSimpsons08BartSimpsons08: this is the right venue !! Paragon City Mall..

Soto Angkring Mas Boed is one of Semarang must try places.

33. Soto Angkring Mas Boed

Jl. Jati Raya F3, Banyumanik - Semarang, Indonesia
Breakfast Spot · 34 tips and reviews
Bestik Kambing Pak Roni is one of Semarang must try places.

34. Bestik Kambing Pak Roni

Jalan Wotgandul Timur, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Food Truck · 3 tips and reviews
J.CO  Donuts & Coffee is one of Semarang must try places.

35. J.CO Donuts & Coffee

Java Supermall (Jalan Letjen MT Haryono No. 992-994), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Donut Shop · Lamper Kidul · 66 tips and reviews
J.CO Donuts & Coffee is one of Semarang must try places.

36. J.CO Donuts & Coffee

Paragon City Mall (Jalan Pemuda No. 118), Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Donut Shop · 114 tips and reviews
Pujasera Simpang Lima is one of Semarang must try places.

37. Pujasera Simpang Lima

Jalan Simpang Lima, Semarang, Jawa Tengah
Indonesian Restaurant · 35 tips and reviews