"The @LawLibCongress has entered the Digital Age! Check out the digitized materials currently available online by following this link. → http://1.usa.gov/HbWVD8"
"The @LawLibCongress now has an online Automated Call Slip (ACS) system; no more paper slips for you! Check out this → http://1.usa.gov/zdswMV #ICLblog post to learn all about the ACS system."
"Do you wonder what the hopes and dreams of the @LawLibCongress are? ... Wonder no more! Check out the Library's strategic plan for 2011-2016, over on the #ICLblog. http://1.usa.gov/y6wFWi"
"Everyone knows that @THOMASdotgov provides free access to federal legislation, but @THOMASdotgov can also help route you to state legislature websites. http://1.usa.gov/wVtSxN"
"Are you a legislative junkie? Want to show the world? ... Go here → http://1.usa.gov/yDnL33 to grab the embed code that will enable you to have a @THOMASdotgov search box on your website. Nerds Unite!"
"Ever wondered "What has my congressperson done for me lately?". Easily see the sponsored & cosponsored legislation of all congresspersons (going back to 1973) on @THOMASdotgov. http://1.usa.gov/wzPnPx"