I would recommend this movie theater to anyone and make sure to go to a matinee showing it because movies tickets are $5 apiece as well as the staff is really friendly and very helpful
Ayrsley Grand Cinemas 14 has an inviting lobby, more than a dozen screens (one of which is usually employed to show Bollywood films for the city's Indian population) and an awesome fish tank.
Response to the 3 complaints from Bugz B: We play our films at the studio recommended sound levels, which we are more than happy to adjust at the request of any patron (most are requests to lower btw)
Ayrsley is a theater that’s worth frequenting, thanks to its cheap prices, spacious lobby (complete with fish tank) and comfortableauditoriums. Read more
Very clean and friendly. Get to your movie early though, especially opening weekend. Theaters are a bit small and racing for good seats is more likely.
Let me update some of the other tips: all shows that start before 4pm are $5(all the time). There is a $3 surcharge on all 3D movies(no matter what start time).
Good movies, excellent seats, good service. Secret hint: matinees are $5 on Sunday, including 3D movies. $2 for the glasses and you can see a 3D movie for under $10. Great deal!
Make sure you get everything you pay for at the concession stand. Didn't give me my milk duds. I went back they said they can't help without a receipt, but they don't give receipts if you pay cash.
Had to leave early due to disturbing teens . When informed staff and manager they appeared indifferent of the concerns. It was like being at an out of control daycare
Looks like a nice place to watch a movie. That's what I thought until I was attacked by a crack head lady, & the manager & police did nothing to protect me/ remove the ghetto woman. Do not come here