"A large Menu with excellent food. Very nice and comfortable place."
Modern European
· Стара Загора, България
8.2"Днеска ходихме 16.9.17 г. Заведението си сменило собствеността.Жалко за прекрасното място.Лоша храна , малки порции , бавно обслужване , меню на А4 лист."
"The seafood is very good. The place has a peaceful atmosphere.Ouzo - watermelon and octopus.Really good."
Fish Tavernas
· Θάσος, Ελλάδα
7.5"A wonderful place.This is the one of the best place ,where you can eat perfect cooked fish in a beautiful forest."
"Otel mimarisi ve aktiviteleri harika.Personel isi ogreniyor , gergin birisi iseniz derdiniz cok olur. Ayrica aracinizi birakin gunesin altinda yansin ama fiskiyelerden uzak dursun."
"Rooms are clean and fresh,but the foods are a little better then 2016. The personal of the hotel just learning the job.In 2016 the hotel was with good architecture ,but with horrible service."