Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA
Ristorante Pavel 2 is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

1. Ristorante Pavel 2

Kosovelova ulica 1, Piran, Piran
Seafood Restaurant · 30 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: großartige Küche, kompetentes freundliches Personal die 2 Empfehlungen: Erdäpfelstampf mit Mangold als Beilage und Beerenschnaos habens gebracht Fisch& Seafood ausgezeichnet

Kava bar is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

2. Kava bar

Prečna ulica 3, Piran, Piran
Café · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: großartiger Spritzer, freundliches Personal und guter Blick sticht heraus aus den anderen Cocktailbars denn das Lokal ist nicht so chichi wie die anderen

Pizzeria Da Rino is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

3. Pizzeria Da Rino

Pizzeria · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Pizza, Pasta und alles sehr gut, großartiges Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Reservieren weil immer bumvoll

N'Kuntuvelu is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

4. N'Kuntuvelu

Pizzeria · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: the best pizzaria of the world fucking good music the best Pizzas, nice staff and normally open till 2am for the night hunger - Ok due Covid open till midnight

Bar Tol 1 is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

5. Bar Tol 1

Via Vladimir Bartol 1, Villa Opicina, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Bar · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: sensationell der weiße Spritzer 1,50, Kaffee sehr gut, Service großartig, aber diese Bar ist absichtlich total analog 😂 keine Bankomatkassa und kein WIFI

Caffè Massimiliano is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

6. Caffè Massimiliano

Café · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Das erste Museumscafe, das nicht nur moderate Preise hat, sondern extrem günstig ist. Spritz 2,5 € mit Chips als Apero, das sehr günstige Essen an den Nebentischen schaut auch sensationell aus

Museo Storico e Parco del Castello di Miramare is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

7. Museo Storico e Parco del Castello di Miramare

Viale Miramare, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Art Museum · No tips or reviews
Pizzeria Trattoria "da Pippo" is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

8. Pizzeria Trattoria "da Pippo"

via di Prosecco 4, Villa Opicina, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Pizzeria · 3 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Wunderschöner schattiger Gastgarten, die Pizzakarte ist riesig mehr als 3 Seiten und alles, was das Herz begehrt

Vecchia Lanterna is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

9. Vecchia Lanterna

Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Lighthouse · No tips or reviews
Ausonia Beach Club is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

10. Ausonia Beach Club

Riva Traiana 1, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Bathing Area · No tips or reviews
Puro is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

11. Puro

Via Torino 31, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Bistro · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Fleischklimaschrank, 10 Arten Spritzer, supa Vorspeisen, Broterl und Fischantipasti, sensationelle Weinenoteca, großartige Bedienung 👍🏻

12. Eataly

Riva Tommaso Gulli 1, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Gourmet Store · 17 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Spezialitätensupermarkt großartig Auswahl und Produktqualität top, die Restaurantlocations drinnen nicht ganz so zu empfehlen wenn man nur was trinken will wird man übersehen, Service grottenschlecht

Maxi's is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

13. Maxi's

Portopiccolo, Sistiana-Visogliano, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Beach Bar · 5 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: great view, pool, beach and the oysters are a sensation. With consumation you can use the facilities

040 Social FOOD is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

14. 040 Social FOOD

Via Rossini 8, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Burger Joint · Ponterosso · 27 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Grandiose Kneipe mit vielen jungen Leuten wunderschön malerisch gelegen am Canale Grande und super Musik erstaunlicherweise mit uralten Hadern im Original (z. B. ELO)

Natura Gelato is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

15. Natura Gelato

Piazza Hortis 6/A, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Gelato Shop · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Ich bin im Himmel das Schokoeis und das Pistazieneis ist vegan, also ohne Milchprodukte, dann noch Zitrone und Pfirsich mit Basilikum bestes Eis seit Jahren

Romaquattro is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

16. Romaquattro

Via Roma 4/a, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Bar · 15 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Super Bar für einen Aperitif was die da alles dazuservieren ist sensationell

Alla vecia pescheria is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

17. Alla vecia pescheria

Riva Nazario Sauro, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Seafood Restaurant · 3 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Ein Juwel: findest man fast ned mehr. Einfache triestinische frische Fischküche ohne Chichi: geräuchertes Tunfischcarpaccio, Tintenfisch in Tomatensauce & Polenta, Goldbrasse gegrillt, Service supa

Osmica Šuc Erika is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

18. Osmica Šuc Erika

Borgo Grotta Gigante, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Winery · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Der Weißwein ist supa besser als viele Heurigenweine der Gegend der Ombolo (Rohschinken vom Filet) ist auch genial leider sperrt sie Wochentags schon um 20:00 zu Samstag bis 22:00

Rex Cafè Gourmet is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

19. Rex Cafè Gourmet

Galleria Arrigo Protti, 1 (Piazza della Borsa), Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Lounge · 9 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: So geht perfekter Aperitiv 2 Spritzer mit 4 Stück Speckrösti Chips und einer Schale Oliven. Außerdem Spritz Midori (mit Melonenliqueur) probiert vom Nachbartisch inspiriert

20. Caffe Bar Ronchi

Koparska 45, Pula, Istarska Županija
Café · No tips or reviews
Sacrario militare di Redipuglia is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

21. Sacrario militare di Redipuglia

Piazzale Terza Armata, Fogliano Redipuglia, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Cemetery · 8 tips and reviews

Kees d.Kees de Heer: Imponente monumento alla grande guerra | Indrukwekkende monument voor de 1e wereldoorlog,

Trattoria Sociale Prosecco is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

22. Trattoria Sociale Prosecco

SP1, 280, Prosecco, Sgonico, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Seafood Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Reservieren, immer bummvoll - sehr viele unterschiedliche regionale Fischgerichte

bajta is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

23. bajta

Sgonico, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Farm · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Sensationelles Preis-Leistungsverhältnis. Zimmer groß, sauber mit viel Holz, Frühstück grandios entweder mit Biofleischplatte aus hauseigener Produktion oder süss mit selbergemachten Mehlspeisen 😍😍

fish house sistiana is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

24. fish house sistiana

Via sistiana 43
Italian Restaurant · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Sensationell ein Juwel- Die Vorspeisen sind gleichzeitig einfach und trotzdem raffiniert. Hatten gemischte Fische eingelegt in Soja und Essig und Lachstartar mit Mangokugerl

Bed & Breakfast Barbara is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

25. Bed & Breakfast Barbara

Borgo Grotta Gigante, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Bed and Breakfast · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Klein familiär, 3 Zimmer, sauber & wunderschön neu renoviert in altem Karsthaus. Zum Frühstück lässt Barbara sich jeden Tag was Neues einfallen hat sogar für uns extra Schwarzbrot besorgt-Top👍🏻

Osmiza Gabrovec Ivan is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

26. Osmiza Gabrovec Ivan

Prepotto 12, Duino-Aurisina, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Winery · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Wunderschöner Heuriger in altem Karsthaus mit Innenhof, guter Wein excellentes Essen auch Desserts supa- unbedingt reservieren immer bumvoll

Why Not? is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

27. Why Not?

Wine Bar · 8 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Spriz bianco sensationell

Sistiana Mare is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

28. Sistiana Mare

Località Sistiana, 64, Duino-Aurisina, Friuli-Venezia Giuli
Beach · 21 tips and reviews

Marco T.Marco Tocio Campaner: La migliore acqua del nord est. Poco parcheggio. Pesce ottimo nei baracchini.

Krizman is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

29. Krizman

Località Repen 76, Col, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Restaurant · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Wohnen und Verpflegung beim Weinbauern gutes Essen, eigener Wein einfache saubere Zimmer Preise O.K und seehr nette Leute und vor allem nicht weit nach Triest, Koper, den Strand, Lipica, Postoijna

Osmica Repen 18 is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

30. Osmica Repen 18

Repen 18, Monrupino, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Winery · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Günstiger Heuriger, guter Wein, Dessert Spezialität 2022 gebackene Mäuse

Osmica Sgonico is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

31. Osmica Sgonico

Sgonico, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Wine Bar · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: One of the best osmice = Heurigen with delicious food nice people and beautiful sunsets. Try the ombolo with ruccola and grana, extraordinary!

Caffè Vatta is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

32. Caffè Vatta

Via Nazionale, 38, Villa Opicina, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Café · 11 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: The perfect breakfast bar illy cafe, and a huge variety of pannini but for aperitiv Caffe Vatta is even better with each drink you get a variety of snacks - extraordinary!!!!!

Prosecco is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

33. Prosecco

Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Town · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: in Kontrovello (part of Prosecco) at various Osmice (= Heurigen) amazing view over the whole bay you see Triest, Koper, Izola, Piran... great!!!!

Carso Triestino is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

34. Carso Triestino

Other Great Outdoors · No tips or reviews
Sagra Prepotto is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

35. Sagra Prepotto

Food Court · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: good osmica but very crowded come early or prenotate

Gostilna Muha is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

36. Gostilna Muha

Lokev 148a, Lokev, Občina Sežana
Eastern European Restaurant · 7 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Excellent food: tartuffi, funghe porcini, bistecca.... and free WIFI

Kobilarna Lipica is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

37. Kobilarna Lipica

Lipica 5, Sežana, Občina Sežana
Stable · 15 tips and reviews

Anny R.Anny Rechberger: Great and famous horses in their cradle place... Unique experience

Predjama Castle is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

38. Predjama Castle

(Predjamski grad)
Predjama 1, Postojna, Postojna
Castle · 51 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Awesome castle must see in Slovenia take a combined ticket with Postojna - free WIFI here :)))

Postojna Cave is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

39. Postojna Cave

(Postojnska jama)
Jamska c. 30, Postojna, Postojna
Cave · 97 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Very expensive but very professional organisation and service: excellent guides in many languages, waiting time, entrance organization, fotos... The cave is awesome

Škocjan Caves is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

40. Škocjan Caves

(Škocjanske jame)
Matavun, Divača, Občina Divača
Cave · 38 tips and reviews

Moy M.Moy M: Really impresive caves. Must visit

Castello di Duino is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

41. Castello di Duino

Frazione Duino 32, Duino, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Castle · 11 tips and reviews

Adias w.Adias web agency: Molto interessante anche la visita al bunker scavato nella roccia durante la seconda guerra mondiale

Castello di Miramare is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

42. Castello di Miramare

Viale Miramare, 325, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Castle · 62 tips and reviews

Ieva K.Ieva Klingenberga: Very beautiful :) it`s better to visit this in the summer when everything is green and blooming.

Sentiero Rilke is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

43. Sentiero Rilke

Scenic Lookout · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Amazing view - the bay of sistiana

Val Rosandra is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

44. Val Rosandra

Val Rosandra (Bagnoli della Rosandra - Dolina), Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Nature Preserve · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: worth to see, al little bit walk up in the mountains and bathing in cold water tubes

Rifugio Premuda is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

45. Rifugio Premuda

Rosandra Superiore (Val Rosandra), Bagnoli della Rosandra, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Cabin of the Alpine Club in Trieste and Friuliveneziagiulia. The best Spritz bianco I ever had - they make it with Prosecco

Piran is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

46. Piran

City · 36 tips and reviews

Tanja S.Tanja Spacal: Piran, great people, lovely town, romantic scene

Tartinijev trg is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

47. Tartinijev trg

Tartinijev trg, Piran, Piran
Plaza · 17 tips and reviews

Alina M.Alina Maatjes-Siletskaya: Beautiful oval white marble square which used to be a harbor. Very beautiful on a sunny day.

Hotel Tartini Piran is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

48. Hotel Tartini Piran

Tartinijev trg 15, Piran, Piran
Hotel · 8 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Neue Lage: Die schönste Rooftop Bar der Stadt hat nur mehr Mittwoch bis Samstag offen, das hamma leider verpasst

Izola is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

49. Izola

City · 9 tips and reviews

Jan P.Jan Peloza: Very nice city for a calm walk. Have a nice fish dish in Hotel Marina, a coffee in the Wall Pub, a Pizza in a Pizzeria Odeon and have a nice walk to the Lighthouse Beach :)

Koper is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

50. Koper

City · 8 tips and reviews

Albert P.Albert Paoli: La città è molto bella!!!

Črni Kal is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

51. Črni Kal

41 Črni Kal, Koper, Koper
Scenic Lookout · 1 tip
Grad (Castle) Črni Kal is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

52. Grad (Castle) Črni Kal

Črni Kal, Koper, Koper
Scenic Lookout · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Amazing view!

Pizzeria Contovello is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

53. Pizzeria Contovello

Località Contovello, 97, Contovello, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Pizzeria · No tips or reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Definitely the best Pizza I ever had for many reasons: Best dough, they serve Pizza till after midnight, music from Ozzy Osbourne, and the price is very cheap, service fast & friendly, nice garden

Osmiza Contovello is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

54. Osmiza Contovello

Strada del Friuli, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Snack Place · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Amazing view over the bay from Triest to piran

Agriturismo Briscak is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

55. Agriturismo Briscak

Sgonico, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Winery · 3 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Osmica opens the first 10 days in a month Nice ambiente and very good local food like ombolo and saussage with Sauerkraut :-)

Portopiccolo is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

56. Portopiccolo

Portopiccolo Sistiana
Harbor or Marina · 8 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: New harbour of Sistiana very luxury bars and restaurants - good music and amazing sunsets

Col is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

57. Col

Friuli Venezia Giulia
City · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Beautiful church with an amazing view in all directions seaside and into the mountains

Grotta Gigante is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

58. Grotta Gigante

Borgo Grotta Gigante 42a, Sgonico, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Cave · 14 tips and reviews

Stanislaus L.Stanislaus Landeis: Muss man gesehen haben! 😎

Sentiero Rilke is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

59. Sentiero Rilke

Scenic Lookout · 2 tips and reviews
Ristorante Pizzeria Al Cavaliere is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

60. Ristorante Pizzeria Al Cavaliere

Frazione Sistiana 54/e, Duino-Aurisina, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Italian Restaurant · 6 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Service noch immer inkompetent … aber ich muss dorthin, denn Spaghetti Vongole sind die besten die I in meinem Leben gegessen hab, Tagliatelle tartuffo traumhaft &Calzone wie fluffiger Riesenpolster

Trattoria Max is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

61. Trattoria Max

Via Nazionale 43, Villa Opicina, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Trattoria · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Simple food of the karst but very delicious - the service ist real chaos but if you have enough time it is a very good choice

Teatro Romano is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

62. Teatro Romano

Via del Teatro Romano, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Historic and Protected Site · 10 tips and reviews

Luca V.Luca Veraldi: Perfectly preserved Roman theatre

Val Rosandra is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

63. Val Rosandra

Val Rosandra (Bagnoli della Rosandra - Dolina), Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Nature Preserve · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: A very good contrast to beach and sea walking and taking a bath in cold water tubes

Trattoria al Pozzo is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

64. Trattoria al Pozzo

Draga Sant'Elia, San Dorligo della Valle, Friuli-Venezia Giuli
Trattoria · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Restaurant with a perfect view in the Karst, very good local food of the region

Rifugio Premuda is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

65. Rifugio Premuda

Rosandra Superiore (Val Rosandra), Bagnoli della Rosandra, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Restaurant · 5 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Very good local food of the mountain region eg Gnocchi with deer or wild pig. Try the Holunder Spritz

San Lorenzo is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

66. San Lorenzo

Friuli Venezia Giulia
City · No tips or reviews
Stazione tramvia is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

67. Stazione tramvia

Rail Station · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: At this moment the tram das not work

Kobilarna Lipica is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

68. Kobilarna Lipica

Lipica 5, Sežana, Občina Sežana
Stable · 15 tips and reviews

Nessie H.Nessie Hits: Beautiful Lipizzaner horse farm. Worth seeing.

Piazza Unità d'Italia is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

69. Piazza Unità d'Italia

Piazza Unità d'Italia, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Plaza · 75 tips and reviews

Alex K.Alex Kornfeind: Una delle piazze più grandi e belle di tutta l'europa

Cimitero austroungarico is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

70. Cimitero austroungarico

Historic and Protected Site · No tips or reviews
Santuario Monte Grisa is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

71. Santuario Monte Grisa

Sentiero Nicolò Cobolli, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Church · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: The church is one of the ugliest I've ever seen (70's style) but the view is spectacular

Vojaški Muzej Tabor is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

72. Vojaški Muzej Tabor

6219 Lokev
History Museum · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: War museum is closed any time even when it should be open. Tried it the second time and failed

Statua di James Joyce is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

73. Statua di James Joyce

Via Roma (Canal Grande), Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Outdoor Sculpture · 2 tips and reviews
Canal Grande is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

74. Canal Grande

Via Bellini, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Canal · 10 tips and reviews

Amra S.Amra Saby: Nice Location 😊

Cattedrale di San Giusto is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

75. Cattedrale di San Giusto

Piazza della Cattedrale, 2, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Church · 5 tips and reviews

Amra S.Amra Saby: Nice Architecture 😊

Trattoria al Pozzo is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

76. Trattoria al Pozzo

Draga Sant'Elia, San Dorligo della Valle, Friuli-Venezia Giuli
Trattoria · 2 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Sensationelles regionales Essen mit atemberaubenden Blick auf Val Rosandra & den Karst. Steinpilze +Polenta, Gnocchi+Wilschweinbraten in Sauce & Polenta mit Kalbsschnitte+ Wurzelgemüse Wirtin supa 😍

Bizjak Osmiza is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

77. Bizjak Osmiza

Localitá Col 10, Monrupino, Friaul-Julisch Venetien
Agriturismo · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: wunderschöner Heuriger inmitten der Weinberge von Zolla/Col Leute sehr nett Essen sowieso immer gut hier

Albergo Alla Valle di Banne is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

78. Albergo Alla Valle di Banne

Loc. Banne, 25, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Hotel · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: schön renoviertes Hotel, freundliches Personal, Preis Leistung passt perfekt

Grotta Gigante is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

79. Grotta Gigante

Borgo Grotta Gigante 42a, Sgonico, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Cave · 14 tips and reviews

NeverwinterMoonNeverwinterMoon: The tour to the cave was extremely interesting and informative, one of the best guides I have ever had.

80. Chiosco da Livio

Sistiana Mare
Snack Place · No tips or reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: großartige Chillout Musik

Castello di Miramare is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

81. Castello di Miramare

Viale Miramare, 325, Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Castle · 62 tips and reviews

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: schön renoviert, die Räume großartig deas Museum ist sehenswert

Bris Restoraunt is one of Top Locations rund um Triest (ca. 50 km) SLO, ITA.

82. Bris Restoraunt

Дуино-Ауризина, Фриули-Венеция-Джулия
Italian Restaurant · 1 tip

Alexandra W.Alexandra W.F: Guter Rose, freundliches Personal muss man in Portopiccolo extra erwähnen, gegessen haben wir dort noch nicht, denn es ist fast immer total ausreserviert

83. Gostilna Kraški Rob

Restaurant · No tips or reviews