The AU Alumni Association is investigating some urban legends of haunting in our area! Check out these places, if you're not too scared!
Auburn Alumni Association: Sydney Grimlett was a Confederate soldier in the Civil War that has been reported to haunt this theater. Actors often blame Sydney if something goes wrong in their performance.
Auburn Alumni Association: Sydney Grimlett developed gangrene in his leg and perished in the Chapel when it was a Civil War Hospital. Is he still there and should you find out for yourself?
College Administrative Building · 6 tips and reviews
Auburn Alumni Association: AU Alumni Association investigated the AU Chapel for hauntings for the upcoming Auburn Magazine issue. Hopefully, we didn't anger any spirits that could follow us here!
Auburn Alumni Association: This is the burial ground for many Confederate soldiers. There have been reports of unexplained hovering lights over graves. Are these spirits?
College Administrative Building · 4 tips and reviews
Auburn Alumni Association: Before there was Samford Hall, there was the Old Main building that stood in its place. It burned down in 1887. It's said that there is a ghost in the bell tower, possibly still guarding the Old Main
Auburn Alumni Association: A Native American legend tells of a woman who heard her dead lover's voice from across the river. She was swept by the currents and drowned. People see a young girl but she quickly disappears.
Auburn Alumni Association: Some people report of a wailing woman who was killed by a train a long time ago. If you go one night, you might hear her and a faint whistle of the train that tried to warn her