Places to go
National Museum of the American Indian is one of Places to go.

1. National Museum of the American Indian

950 Independence Ave SW (4th St. SW), Washington, D.C.
History Museum · Southwest Washington · 178 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: Opened in 2004, this museum is devoted to the history and culture of Native people in the Western Hemisphere.

2. Morgan Street Cafe

111 S Morgan St (at W Adams St), Chicago, IL
Café · Near West Side · 36 tips and reviews

CheapismCheapism: A small coffee/sandwich shop where the employees usually call you by name, Morgan Street Cafe makes your sandwiches to order. Get a combo deal, chips and a can of soda for an extra $1.50. Read more.

Lloyds Express is one of Places to go.

3. Lloyds Express

1 S Wacker Dr, Chicago, IL
Fast Food Restaurant · The Loop · 4 tips and reviews
Mystic Seaport is one of Places to go.

4. Mystic Seaport

75 Greenmanville Ave (btw Velvet & Isham), Mystic, CT
Harbor or Marina · 64 tips and reviews

HISTORYHISTORY: This 40-acre living history maritime museum is the largest in the nation.

Rock Your Palate is one of Places to go.

5. Rock Your Palate

1925 N Halsted St (W. Armitage Ave), Chicago, IL
Arts and Entertainment · Lincoln Park · 7 tips and reviews