Artistai (literally „artists”) is, as the name suggests, a bar-restaurant where creative people make their second home. Up-coming indie bands, poetry bards and rock music veterans all perform here. Read more
Pasta is rubbish here. I could foresee it when I saw the low prices in the menu. If you’re drinking beer during something big (like UCL final) order beer at the bar. Otherwise you’ll drink it warm.
Pub‘as „Artistai” - ne tik smagi vieta praleisti laisvalaikį ir skaniai pavalgyti, bet ir daugelio antrieji namai. Kiekvienas, kuris turi savyje artisto gyslelę, čia yra labai laukiamas! Read more
Kasdien prisiregistravę su Foursquare nuo 15.00 iki 17.00 val., prancūzišku sumuštiniu (su saliamiu, vištiena arba šonine) galėsite mėgautis vos už 6.5 Lt! Read more