Félix de Azara (esq. Av. Brasil), Puerto Iguazú, Misiones
Farmers Market · 79 tips and reviews
Arthur Nogueira: great olives, peachs. cheeses, salames, etc. Close to there r vinoteca very affordable and great price. Always try to use local currency (pesos)
Shopping Mina India (Sub Suelo), Ciudad del Este, Alto Paraná
Miscellaneous Store · 12 tips and reviews
Arthur Nogueira: Where all the tourist go to see the stores. My tip r too go straigth to Americana, and buy only small itens. The electronics r better shop in Lailai the other side.
Arthur Nogueira: The best place in Paraguai, for all electronics: first check all the prices online first. Master 10, Icompy, Excell and Nave r the most famous stores.