i heart u
Ward 7A is one of i heart u.

1. Ward 7A

Hospital serdang, Serdang, Selangor
Auditorium · 3 tips and reviews
Tempat Luahan Perasaan is one of i heart u.

2. Tempat Luahan Perasaan

Tea Room · 903 tips and reviews

zeelazeela: @ustazdondaniyal: Kalau rindukan seseorang baca Al Fatihah sambil tangan didada & berzikir kpd Allah dgn niat semoga dia rasa rindu kita padanya. 

3. Kg. Melayu Majidie

Home (private) · 3 tips and reviews

Mei MeiMei Mei: Yg disayang kdg tak merasa,yg dirindui kdg tak tahu,yg dicintai kdg tak mengerti,yg tak disangka terjadi....kdg akn terjadi....

Renungan bersama is one of i heart u.

4. Renungan bersama

Home (private) · 29 tips and reviews

Ty ShaTy Sha: Klau suka simpan.. Tak suka buang.... Senang je..;) jgn seksa zahir org...:(

7. SaranG MariNa apt NonEt191

PasiR PeLangi, Johor Bahru, Johor
Apartment or Condo · No tips or reviews

zryna n.zryna nonet: ~When one thing ends, another thing begins. Sometimes endings hurt, but a new beginning is worth the pain~

dlm gua is one of i heart u.

10. dlm gua

Zoo · 2 tips and reviews

Esbz eika (.Esbz eika (^_^)♥: # tO luv someOne is nOthinG#tO be lOed is sOmethinG#tO be lOved by the One yOu luv is eVerythinG :'(

Cwa butterworth branch is one of i heart u.

11. Cwa butterworth branch

Bandar Sunway (JaLan Todak), Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang
Uncategorized · 2 tips and reviews

Esbz eika (.Esbz eika (^_^)♥: #kita hanya mempu merancang, ALLAH Ta'ala yang akan menentukan segala-galanya.. jangan bersedih, Allah sudah merancang kebahagiaan buat kita semua xoxo :'(

15. ayahbonda lil' heaven

Home (private) · 2 tips and reviews

17. ТСЖ Синяя Птица

Старокачаловская ул., Москва, Москва
Housing Development · Северное Бутово · No tips or reviews

Liliia K.Liliia Kholodilina 🌹🌹🌹: I wrote you name in the sky,but the wind blew it away.I wrote your name in the sand,but the waves washed it away.I wrote your name in my heart,and forever it will stay ♥♥♥

Les Grands Palais Sur Le Lac is one of i heart u.

18. Les Grands Palais Sur Le Lac

Saint-Laurent, QC
Apartment or Condo · No tips or reviews

20. MJC Mutiara

Kuching, Sarawak
Housing Development · 5 tips and reviews

Marini A.Marini Ahmad: When you really love someone, even if there are a million reasons to leave, you still look for that one reason to stay:-@<3

Penaga & Semarak Condominium is one of i heart u.

21. Penaga & Semarak Condominium

Taman Raintree, Batu Caves, Selangor
Apartment or Condo · 21 tips and reviews

~bard~~bard~: “Ya Allah,hanya kasih sayang-Mu yg ku harapkan,maka janganlah Engkau serahkan urusanku pd diriku sendiri meskipun hanya sekejap mata & perbaikilah semua urusanku.Tidak ada Tuhan selain Engkau.”

Menara Orkid is one of i heart u.

23. Menara Orkid

Jalan 3/48A, Sentul Perdana, Bandar Baru Sentul, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur
Apartment or Condo · 13 tips and reviews

Esha ♡.Esha ♡♥ Aisya: I’m giving you a piece of my heart not bcause you dserve it but because it already belongs to you.It might nt be enough,it might be too small but this little piece of my heart could probably be my all

SeatGeek Stadium is one of i heart u.

25. SeatGeek Stadium

7000 S Harlem Ave (at 71st St), Bridgeview, IL
Soccer Stadium · 64 tips and reviews
I Love You is one of i heart u.

27. I Love You

Kuala Lumpur, Federal Territory of Kuala Lum
Art Museum · Taman Wahyu · 1 tip

Sofea A.Sofea Aziz: Sayang.. I'm not a good Lover, I mess up.. I start fights.. I easily get Jealous ..BUT.. I don't play, I give my all and I LOVE you deeply... :)

28. ~Kamar Rahsia Hati~

Home (private) · Taman Setapak Jaya · 11 tips and reviews

MeiKaChiKiKuMeiKaChiKiKu: If a person wants to be a part of your life,they will make an obvious effort to do so.Think twice before reserving a space in your heart for people who do not make an effort to stay..

SkyTecSport is one of i heart u.

30. SkyTecSport

Кант (Электролитный пр., 7, стр. 2), Москва, Москва
Gym · Нагорный · 27 tips and reviews

33. D'c2

Kota Tinggi, Kota Tinggi, Johor
Beach · 1 tip

MazzaMazza: OMG!!! I'm just ÇRÃZŸ over you...♥♡♥♡

34. Di bawah neon

Kota Tinggi, Kota Tinggi, Johor
Bar · No tips or reviews

MazzaMazza: Dengarlah Kasih...Dengarlah Sayang...

Sekinchan Paddy Field is one of i heart u.

37. Sekinchan Paddy Field

Sekinchan, Sekinchan, Selangor
Farm · 46 tips and reviews

Timmy🍭Timmy🍭: Hanya kamu....

🌷My Barney🌷 is one of i heart u.

39. 🌷My Barney🌷

Garden · 1 tip

42. Lunch Time

Home (private) · Turnham Green · No tips or reviews

H. S. C.H. S. Campoy: But do... 😉

Dream's Cabin is one of i heart u.

43. Dream's Cabin

Singgahsana Hj.Arham
Castle · 3 tips and reviews

Timmy🍭Timmy🍭: 🌷Mencintai seseorang umpama mengejar pelangi petang, sungguh cantik di pandang tapi tak mampu dipegang..Merindui seseorang umpama melihat pelangi yg cantik, bisa dipandang tapi tak mampu dipetik..🌷