"Все супер!) шампанское, еда, подача, атмосфера)"
Wine Bar
· Москва, Россия
8.2"It's funny here) the first floor is rap and rnb, the second is pop and looks like school disco)"
Night Club
· Barcelona, Espanya
7.2"It's ok for Monday) some another clubs are near, so u can choose. And if u will be tired of nightlife then the beach is waiting u)"
Night Club
· Barcelona, Espanya
8.0"Too much people! The best Ideas are go to private area or dance and stay near the bar. But atmosphere is really cool!)"
Night Club
· Eivissa, Espanya
8.7"Everything is good, especially tuna, it's perfect."
· Eivissa, Espanya
"Мне понравилось) выбирала место for fun&dance, все О'К. Музыка хорошая, атмосферно, публика разная) буду в Самаре, зайду еще)"
· Самара, Россия