Animal Kingdom South

Animal Kingdom South

Animal Kingdom's expert groomers are individually trained at our locations and have a combined 80 years of experience grooming a wide variety of breeds.

South Orange
  • 4 Tips
  • 4 Following
  • 3 Lists

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Animal Kingdom's Top Cities
East Orange
1 List Created · 1 Tip
South Orange
1 List Created · 2 Tips
West Orange
1 Tip
Animal Kingdom South
3 places updated February 6, 2014
3 places including Animal Kingdom, Animal Kingdom South, South Orange Animal Hospital
Animal Kingdom South
0 places updated
0 places
Animal Kingdom South
1 places updated
1 place including South Orange Animal Hospital
Animal Kingdom's ListsLists Animal Kingdom CreatedLists Animal Kingdom Followed
"Dr. Levine is the best. We would never recommend anyone else."
Animal Kingdom SouthAnimal Kingdom South · February 6, 2014
· South Orange, United States
"Best groomers in town...and I'm not just saying that because I work for them :)"
Animal Kingdom SouthAnimal Kingdom South · February 6, 2014
Pet Supplies Store
· East Orange, United States
"I can't even drive past this place without stopping in. The custard cups and tarts are so delicious."
Animal Kingdom SouthAnimal Kingdom South · January 30, 2014
· West Orange, United States
"I am a salad girl, so for me their Mozzarella Caprese and Buffalo Chicken Salad are the best!!!"
Animal Kingdom SouthAnimal Kingdom South · January 30, 2014
· South Orange, United States