Miradouro da Senhora do Monte is one of Lisbon.

1. Miradouro da Senhora do Monte

R. Senhora do Monte, Lisboa, Lisboa
Scenic Lookout · Centro Histórico · 135 tips and reviews

António A.António Alves: The most beatiful sight of Lisbon.

Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara is one of Lisbon.

2. Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara

R. de São Pedro de Alcântara, Lisboa, Lisboa
Scenic Lookout · Centro Histórico · 168 tips and reviews

Renato G.Renato G.: Amazing view, perfect for drink with friends! One of the Best sunsets in Lisbon!

Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian is one of Lisbon.

3. Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

Av. de Berna, 45A (R. do Marquês de Sá Bandeira 56), Lisboa, Lisboa
Sculpture Garden · Nossa Senhora de Fátima · 105 tips and reviews

Rita S.Rita Simoes: This is one of my favourite places in Lisboa. Grab a book and read, or bring some bread to feed the ducks and turtles. There's even an art gallery and soon a cafe will be opened. It's perfection here.

Jardim Vasco da Gama is one of Lisbon.

4. Jardim Vasco da Gama

Pç. do Império, Lisboa, Lisboa
Garden · Santa Maria de Belém · 47 tips and reviews

Gabi B.Gabi Bulumac: It's not big or fancy, but it is a real injection of green ......nice view of the church ;)

Miradouro de Santa Luzia is one of Lisbon.

5. Miradouro de Santa Luzia

Santa Luzia, Lisboa, Lisboa
Scenic Lookout · Centro Histórico · 105 tips and reviews

ⓛⓔⓧ G.ⓛⓔⓧ G. Love: Самый лучший вид на старейшую часть Лиссабона: Альфаму, заложенную еще маврами. После того как забрались на вершину замка, самое время отдохнуть здесь. Хамон и бокал пива/красного вина и счастье есть)

Nannarella is one of Lisbon.

6. Nannarella

R. Nova da Piedade, 68 (R. de São Bento), Lisboa, Lisboa
Ice Cream Parlor · Centro Histórico · 121 tips and reviews

Dinis C.Dinis Correia: True artisanal Italian ice cream. One of the best in town.

Avenida da Liberdade is one of Lisbon.

7. Avenida da Liberdade

Av. da Liberdade, Lisboa, Lisboa
Road · Coração de Jesus · 42 tips and reviews

MENU P.MENU Portugal: Gorgeous avenue, hood shops and places to eat & have great time around

Cervejaria Ramiro is one of Lisbon.

8. Cervejaria Ramiro

Av. Almirante Reis, 1, Lisboa, Lisboa
Seafood Restaurant · Anjos · 737 tips and reviews

The TelegraphThe Telegraph: Your first dinner should be at one of Lisbon’s hobbit-sized, hole-in-the-wall joints like Cervejaria Ramiro (351 21 885 1024; The bill rarely stretches beyond £15 per-head.

Parque da Quinta das Conchas is one of Lisbon.

9. Parque da Quinta das Conchas

R. Arnaldo Ferreira 4J (Quinta das Conchas), Lisboa, Lisboa
Park · Lumiar · 47 tips and reviews

Joao F.Joao F.: This is the second biggest park in Lisbon. Look around because it is bigger than it looks.

Cockpit Bar is one of Lisbon.

10. Cockpit Bar

Av. Sacadura Cabral, Lisboa, Lisboa
Pub · São João de Deus · 29 tips and reviews

Joao F.Joao Ferreira: Great gins, great tapas, awesome space, very good service.

The Old Pharmacy is one of Lisbon.

11. The Old Pharmacy

R. Diário de Notícias, Lisboa, Lisboa
Wine Bar · Centro Histórico · 59 tips and reviews

Sven R.Sven Rottiers: Try some excellent Portugese wines in a cosy place.

Manteigaria is one of Lisbon.

12. Manteigaria

Rua do Loreto, 2, Lisboa, Lisboa
Pastry Shop · Centro Histórico · 392 tips and reviews

Jan T.Jan T.: One of the best places in Lisbon for Pasteis de Nata.

Pastelaria Versailles is one of Lisbon.

13. Pastelaria Versailles

Av. da República, 15A, Lisboa, Lisboa
Pastry Shop · Nossa Senhora de Fátima · 143 tips and reviews

Gabi B.Gabi Bulumac: One of the best.....really fancy, seems like a museum ,quality pastry in a speechless location 🍮🍩🍰🍪☕️

À Parte is one of Lisbon.

14. À Parte

Av. Defensores de Chaves, 14C, Lisboa, Lisboa
Seafood Restaurant · São Jorge de Arroios · 109 tips and reviews

Liliana P.Liliana Pedro: Lovely! It's a home turn into a restaurant, in each room there's a different decoration. Recommend the lunch it's low cost ;)

A Travessa is one of Lisbon.

15. A Travessa

Travessa do Convento das Bernardas 12, Lisboa, Lisboa
Portuguese Restaurant · Centro Histórico · 34 tips and reviews

Gunther S.Gunther Schumacher: One of the best dinners I have ever had in Europe. Trust the chef, the owner and the sommelier. Quality ingredients, prepared with passion you will LOVE this place.

Stasha is one of Lisbon.

16. Stasha

R. das Gáveas, 29 (Bairro Alto), Lisboa, Lisboa
Restaurant · Centro Histórico · 164 tips and reviews

Petya R.Petya Raykovska: Pork loins with goat cheese in blueberry sauce. To die for.

Sintra is one of Lisbon.

17. Sintra

City · 90 tips and reviews

Daniele S.Daniele Soares: This is a lovely village 45min by train from Lisbon. Totally worthy to spend a day there to visit the historic center and the castles/palaces.

Parque do Tejo is one of Lisbon.

18. Parque do Tejo

Parque das Nações (Parque das Nações), Moscavide, Lisboa
Park · 21 tips and reviews

Rodrigo C.Rodrigo Correia: Excellent Park to a walk with friends. Jazz music every Sunday in September.

Jardim da Torre de Belém is one of Lisbon.

19. Jardim da Torre de Belém

Av. da Índia, Lisboa, Lisboa
Park · Santa Maria de Belém · 40 tips and reviews
Parque das Nações is one of Lisbon.

20. Parque das Nações

Lisboa, Lisboa
Neighborhood · 54 tips and reviews
Miradouro Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen is one of Lisbon.

21. Miradouro Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen

Largo da Graça, Lisboa, Lisboa
Scenic Lookout · Centro Histórico · 92 tips and reviews

João S.João Santos: Nice viewing point with a beer garden, ideal for a drink with a wonderful view over Lisbon. Must see for tourists, mandatory occasional visit for locals. Free, except for drinks at the beer garden.

Santini is one of Lisbon.

22. Santini

R. do Carmo, 9, Lisboa, Lisboa
Ice Cream Parlor · Centro Histórico · 367 tips and reviews

maique m.maique madeira: If you can only have an ice-cream in Lisbon, this is the place where you should have it.

Bairro Alto is one of Lisbon.

23. Bairro Alto

Lisboa, Lisboa
Neighborhood · 84 tips and reviews
Belém Tower is one of Lisbon.

24. Belém Tower

(Torre de Belém)
Av. da Índia (Cais da Princesa), Lisboa, Lisboa
Monument · Santa Maria de Belém · 292 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Первоначально задуманная как маяк и часть оборонительной крепости порта Рэштелу, позднеготическая башня была построена в 1515 году при Мануэле I на небольшом островке на берегу реки Тежу.

Mosteiro dos Jerónimos is one of Lisbon.

25. Mosteiro dos Jerónimos

Pç. do Império, Lisboa, Lisboa
Monastery · Santa Maria de Belém · 256 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Был построен Мануэлем I в 1502 году на месте скита Генриха Мореплавателя, где Васко да Гама и его команда провели свою последнюю молитву перед отплытием в Индию.

A Ginjinha is one of Lisbon.

26. A Ginjinha

Largo de S.Domingos 8, Lisboa, Lisboa
Wine Bar · Centro Histórico · 107 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Бар одного ликера. Если портвейн — гордость жителей города Порту, то у лиссабонцев есть свой традиционный напиток: жинжинья.

Elevador de Santa Justa is one of Lisbon.

27. Elevador de Santa Justa

Lg. do Carmo / R. do Ouro, Lisboa, Lisboa
Scenic Lookout · Centro Histórico · 240 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Лифт привлекает — в основном туристов — своими кабинами, обшитыми деревом с латунной гарнитурой. Советую не тратить 5 евро, а обойти со стороны монастыря и подняться на смотровую площадку бесплатно.

Praça do Comércio is one of Lisbon.

28. Praça do Comércio

Pç. do Comércio, Lisboa, Lisboa
Plaza · Terreiro do Paço · 302 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Эта огромная квадратная площадь располагается на месте дворца Рибейра, построенного Мануэлем I на берегу реки и разрушенного в 1755 году во время землетрясения.

Praça dos Restauradores is one of Lisbon.

29. Praça dos Restauradores

Pç. dos Restauradores, Lisboa, Lisboa
Plaza · Centro Histórico · 50 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Эта большая площадь с тридцатиметровым обелиском посередине, была сделана в честь освобождения страны от шестидесятилетнего испанского владычества в 1640 году.

Pastéis de Belém is one of Lisbon.

30. Pastéis de Belém

R. de Belém, 84-92, Lisboa, Lisboa
Pastry Shop · Santa Maria de Belém · 1267 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Легендарная пекарня в старом районе Белем, рядом с монастырем. Там пекут один-единственный пирожок — паштел, который придумали монахи триста лет назад.

Oriente Station is one of Lisbon.

31. Oriente Station

(Estação do Oriente)
Av. D. João II (Av. de Berlim), Lisboa, Lisboa
Rail Station · Parque das Nações · 74 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Вокзал был построен к ЭКСПО’98 испанцем Сантьяго Калатравой.

Casa dos Bicos is one of Lisbon.

32. Casa dos Bicos

R. dos Bacalhoeiros, 10, Lisboa, Lisboa
Museum · Centro Histórico · 21 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Пример очень странной архитектуры XVI века

Baixa-Chiado is one of Lisbon.

33. Baixa-Chiado

Lisboa, Lisboa
Neighborhood · 20 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Самый элегантный торговый район Лиссабона

Elevador da Glória is one of Lisbon.

34. Elevador da Glória

Calçada da Glória, Lisboa, Lisboa
Tram Station · Centro Histórico · 39 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Фуникулер курсирует по переулку Калсада да Глориа (Calçada da Glória) от площади Рештаурадореш (Praça dos Restauradores) до мирадоуру Сан Педру ди Алкантара прямо напротив Института портвейна.

Garrafeira Nacional is one of Lisbon.

35. Garrafeira Nacional

Rua de Santa Justa, 18, Lisboa, Lisboa
Wine Store · Centro Histórico · 22 tips and reviews

P.O.Box: MOSCOWP.O.Box: MOSCOW: Большой выбор хорошего вина и портвейна. Приятный персонал.

Jardim da Estrela is one of Lisbon.

36. Jardim da Estrela

Av. Álvares Cabral (Estrela), Lisboa, Lisboa
Garden · Centro Histórico · 97 tips and reviews

Andrey G.Andrey Grabelnikov: Один из красивейших садов Лиссабона

Parque Eduardo VII is one of Lisbon.

37. Parque Eduardo VII

Pq. Eduardo VII (Pr. Marquês de Pombal), Lisboa, Lisboa
Park · São Sebastião da Pedreira · 110 tips and reviews

Rute M.Rute MJF: Best view is from the upper side, where the huge flag is

Carvoaria Jacto is one of Lisbon.

38. Carvoaria Jacto

R. Maria Andrade, 6-8, Lisboa, Lisboa
Portuguese Restaurant · Anjos · 121 tips and reviews

Pedro C.Pedro Cotter: Many kinds of grilled meat. Very good and not expensive.

Lost In - Esplanada Bar is one of Lisbon.

39. Lost In - Esplanada Bar

R. D. Pedro V, 56D, Lisboa, Lisboa
Bar · São José · 153 tips and reviews

Dorian D.Dorian Dawance: Good food (curry prawns & lambchops are great) & super nice terrace with an amazing view on lisboa

Chapitô is one of Lisbon.

40. Chapitô

R. da Costa do Castelo, 1-7, Lisboa, Lisboa
Bar · Centro Histórico · 177 tips and reviews
Gato Pardo is one of Lisbon.

41. Gato Pardo

R. de São Vicente, 10, Lisboa, Lisboa
Restaurant · Centro Histórico · 45 tips and reviews
Alface Hall is one of Lisbon.

42. Alface Hall

R. do Norte 96, Lisboa, Lisboa
Bar · Centro Histórico · 45 tips and reviews