12 places updated June 18, 2017
12 places including Fresh, Щурите Бабки (The Crazy Grandmas), Ti Bar, Ресторант ROSÉ
39 places updated March 12, 2019
What and where should I visit and/or try in Sofia, Bulgaria?
10 places updated May 14, 2017
Places to have coffee with a book in hand. Sofia, Bulgaria.
2 places updated January 8, 2013
2 places including Marmo, Тортуга (Tortuga ака Пиратското)
4 places updated December 29, 2012
I am in Zagreb for New Year's, and this is the list of places where I would like to go, the restaurants to eat in and other random little spots as well as popular sights.
2 places updated November 11, 2012
2 places including Trà Tiên Hưởng Đài Loan, Phúc Long Coffee & Tea Express Mac Thi Buoi