"el mejor lugar para aclimatarse con bonitas vistas panorámicas de la cordillera blanca es la laguna wilcacocha,una caminata 4 horas y disfrutar de valle callejónHuaylas"
"si viajas a Huaraz toma los servicios turisticos recomendados y autoizados por la mincetur."
Travel and Transportation
· Perú
"Cordillera huayhuash This trek across the cordillera Huayhuash encompasses stuning view of glistening vertical walls of ice,snow,and rock."
"Mountain climbing Alpamayo peak the astonishing view of Alpamayo 5947m, the wordls most beautiful iced peak is seen by its west face"
"Trekking Llanganuco – Santa Cruz This is one of the ecologically diverse and scenic trails among the earths mountain ranges.www.andesexplorerperu.com"