
1. New World

(Nový Svět)
Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Road · 12 tips and reviews

Hana M.Hana Mullerova: Cute little streets just below the castle. Worth to see and have 15 minutes walk.

Lennon Wall is one of Praga.

2. Lennon Wall

(Lennonova zeď)
Velkopřevorské nám., Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Street Art · Malá Strana · 134 tips and reviews

Juan Jose W.Juan Jose Weibel: Lugar recomendado para los fanáticos de Lennon es muy emocionante y podes dejar tu grafiti, generalmente hay gente tocando música de los Beatles.

3. Belvedere | Royal Summer Palace | Queen Anne’s Summer Palace

(Belveder | Královský letohrádek | Letohrádek královny Anny)
Mariánské hradby, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Palace · Hradčany · 8 tips and reviews

Prague G.Prague Games: The Summer Palace was build in 1560 to serve, among other things, as a feature enhancing the pleasure of a sojourn in the garden. Today, it fills its purpose as well as in 16th century.

4. Franz Kafka's Head

(Hlava Franze Kafky)
Vladislavova (Charvátova), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Outdoor Sculpture · Praha 1 · 78 tips and reviews

Matej R.Matej Ra: You'll be moved. A giant head made of stainless steel. 252 construction parts moving in various directions forming the face of Franz Kafka. There are free toilets in the shopping mall nearby ;)

5. Saint Wenceslas Statue

(Socha svatého Václava)
Václavské nám., Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Outdoor Sculpture · Václavské náměstí · 43 tips and reviews

Fabio M.Fabio Moraes: Imponente monumento, com vista linda do calçadão em frente.

6. Letná Park

(Letenské sady)
Letenské sady, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Park · Holešovice · 132 tips and reviews

Anna B.Anna B.: Great place for a walk or run. Amazing view of Prague and a lot of places to sit and have a picnic. Beer Garden is open from April till October, must visit!

7. The Powder Tower

(Prašná brána)
nám. Republiky 5 (Celetná), Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Historic and Protected Site · Staré Město · 93 tips and reviews

Ângelo Miguel G.Ângelo Miguel Geraldo: Esta famosa porta de entrada, com o seu telhado esculpido, foi construída como o ponto de entrada cerimonial na Cidade Velha. Vale a pena subir ao topo pela vista que daí se aprecia.

Unijazz is one of Praga.

8. Unijazz

Jindřišská 5, Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Bar · Nové Město · 91 tips and reviews

Paulo B.Paulo Bastos: Great place to have a beer, coffee or tea and chill with good music. Just ring the bell and go upstairs. Separate smoking room. Board games and books. Very friendly staff.

9. Vyhlídka Riegrovy sady

Praha, Hlavní město Praha
Scenic Lookout · Praha 2 · 12 tips and reviews

Christian B.Christian Basch: The best spot in Prague to watch the sunset!