5-й Котельнический пер., 11 (Гончарная ул.), Москва, Москва
History Museum · Таганский · 101 tips and reviews
We heart Moscow: Constructed in 1956 as a Soviet army command centre and nuclear bomb shelter, the location of this top-secret bunker was only revealed in 2006 when it became a museum. Book tickets in advance via web.
We heart Moscow: The venue has been here for more than 20 years, and it is also the site of a former pre-revolutionary tavern. There are regular poetry readings and sometimes actors from nearby theatres drop by.
We heart Moscow: The group of friends operate this Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines, where about 40 games click, whirr, whistle, flash and beep to the delight of visitors from around the world.
We heart Moscow: The Bulgakov Museum is set in his old Moscow apartment where he lived from 1921 until 1924, and where parts of his great novel, The Master and Margarita were set.
We heart Moscow: More than fifty years after Yuri Gagarin became the first man in space, Russia's space industry has re-emerged as leader of the global space programme and the renovated Moscow Planetarium show us why.
(Мультимедиа арт-музей / Московский дом фотографии)
ул. Остоженка, 16 (Лопухинский пер.), Москва, Москва
Art Museum · Хамовники · 628 tips and reviews
We heart Moscow: MAMM's current position as one of the city’s most respected and popular art spaces is the result of years of careful operation and ambitious, long-running and perfectly balanced exhibitions.
ул. Косыгина (Университетская пл.), Москва, Москва
Scenic Lookout · МГУ · 311 tips and reviews
We heart Moscow: Besides the great view it's a meeting point for motorcycle clubs and street racers. There's a walkway down to the Moskva River only a few hundred meters away to the right.