From May-Nov 1961, more than 400 black and white Americans risked their lives by traveling together on buses and trains in the Deep South. Check in along the route of these original Freedom Rides.
American Experience: On May 4, 1961, the CORE Freedom Ride departs Washington. Following several days of nonviolence training, 13 Freedom Riders and three journalists begin the journey on two separate buses.
American Experience: In the first significant confrontation of the CORE Freedom Ride, Joseph Perkins is arrested for trespassing as he attempts to have his shoes shined a whites-only shoeshine chair.
American Experience: Several white men attack a group of CORE Freedom Riders at the Greyhound Bus terminal on May 10 as they attempt to enter the whites-only waiting room.
American Experience: An angry mob at the Greyhound bus terminal greets the first bus as it arrive in Anniston on May 14. The violent protesters smash windows, slash tires, and threaten the Riders.
American Experience: After the Freedom Riders escape the Greyhound bus terminal mob, the bus is forced to pull over as the tires go flat. The mob resumes its attack, throwing a firebomb through a broken window.
American Experience: On May 14, at the Trailways Bus terminal in Birmingham, the CORE Freedom Riders are greeted by a hostile mob. James Peck and others are severely injured in the riot that follows.
American Experience: Early on May 18, Bull Connor and other police officers drive the Riders under cover of darkness to Ardmore, AL. The Riders are left on the side of a road and told to go back to Nashville.
Bus Station · Downtown Montgomery · 3 tips and reviews
American Experience: On May 20, the Freedom Riders arrive at the Greyhound terminal in Montgomery only to be met with a mob of more than 200, who attack not just the Riders, but reporters and others.
American Experience: As Freedom Riders are arrested in Jackson, Mississippi in the summer of 1961, many are incarcerated at the notorious Parchman State Prison Farm.