"Use exit 6 from jongro3ga station find ibis hotel. It's near from ibis. The owner is great. They explain everything even upgraded the room"
"Ahjushiiinya concern banget ma kita... jadi enakk. Hotelnya di tngah kota, dket ma pusat kehidupan"
"One of the best airport in the world"
International Airport
· Singapore
8.8"Nice place! the employee really nice, they know and remember each guest's name and very helpful"
· Gili Trawangan, Indonesia
"Bandaranya gede, ga ada calo taksi, cuman kae terminal bus n banyak org2 udik pda ngerokok smbarangan"
International Airport
· Bandjarbaru, Indonesia
5.2"XXI baru, tiket murah, bersih, sepi. Kece abis"
Movie Theater
· Tangerang, Indonesia