Ōkunoshima is one of Japan.

1. Ōkunoshima

忠海町大久野島, 竹原市, 広島県
Island · 竹原市 · 32 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 2, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /blank_boy.png}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 1647330004, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Wu, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Steven, relationship: null, id: 3442581, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /stevenw4780042, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/3442581, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Hamilton, Canada, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: stevenw4780042, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
21_21 DESIGN SIGHT is one of Japan.


赤坂9-7-6 (東京ミッドタウン ガーデン内), 東京, 東京都
Art Gallery · 六本木 · 61 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alvin: Art Gallery
Hamarikyu Gardens is one of Japan.

3. Hamarikyu Gardens

浜離宮庭園1-1, 中央区, 東京都
Garden · 99 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Matsubara-an is one of Japan.

4. Matsubara-an

Shibuya, Jingumae, 1 Chome−13−14, 原宿クエスト HARAJUKU QUEST, 東京, 東京都
Japanese Restaurant · No tips or reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alvin: soba
Yoroniku is one of Japan.

5. Yoroniku

南青山6-6-22 (ルナロッサ南青山 B1F), 東京, 東京都
BBQ Joint · 西麻布 · 26 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alvin: maybe if i want to spend $$$
Ramen Jiro is one of Japan.

6. Ramen Jiro

(ラーメン二郎 八王子野猿街道店2)
堀之内2-13-16, 八王子市, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 35 tips and reviews
Tsukiji Outer Market is one of Japan.

7. Tsukiji Outer Market

築地4, 中央区, 東京都
Market · 139 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alvin: 4am?
Ghibli Museum is one of Japan.

8. Ghibli Museum

下連雀1-1-83, 三鷹市, 東京都
Art Museum · 135 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alvin: miyazaki
Arashiyama Bamboo Grove is one of Japan.

9. Arashiyama Bamboo Grove

右京区嵯峨小倉山田淵山町, 京都市, 京都府
Hiking Trail · 215 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alvin: down for the profile pics
Nishiki Market is one of Japan.

10. Nishiki Market

中京区西大文字町609 (富小路通四条上ル), 京都市, 京都府
Market · 中京区 · 168 tips and reviews
Tadasu no Mori is one of Japan.

11. Tadasu no Mori

左京区下鴨泉川町59 (下鴨神社 境内), 京都市, 京都府
Forest · 左京区 · 16 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Tenkaippin is one of Japan.

12. Tenkaippin

(天下一品 総本店)
左京区一乗寺築田町94 (メゾン白川 1F), 京都市, 京都府
Ramen Restaurant · 43 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Ichiran is one of Japan.

13. Ichiran

中京区裏寺町598 (蛸薬師通新京極東入 蛸薬師OKIビル 1F), 京都市, 京都府
Ramen Restaurant · 中京区 · 84 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alvin: maybe because its founded in japan but... lets see how much ramen we eat
My CupNoodles Factory is one of Japan.

14. My CupNoodles Factory

満寿美町8-25 (インスタントラーメン発明記念館), 池田市, 大阪府
Museum · 4 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Ginza Kagari is one of Japan.

15. Ginza Kagari

(銀座 篝)
銀座4-4-1 (銀座Aビル 1F), 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 銀座 · 113 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 2, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /LR5PWQAHFHGHFMNO.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 1651320319, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Ianus, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alex, relationship: null, id: 50180438, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alexi2000716, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/50180438, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 4, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alexi2000716, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alex: Fancy cheap chicken ramen with lineup
AFURI is one of Japan.


六本木6-2-31 (六本木ヒルズノースタワー B1F), 東京, 東京都
Ramen Restaurant · 六本木 · 28 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 2, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /LR5PWQAHFHGHFMNO.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 1651320319, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Ianus, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alex, relationship: null, id: 50180438, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alexi2000716, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/50180438, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 4, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alexi2000716, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alex: Late night eats
Ginza is one of Japan.

17. Ginza

東京, 東京都
Neighborhood · 40 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 2, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /LR5PWQAHFHGHFMNO.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 1651320319, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Ianus, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alex, relationship: null, id: 50180438, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alexi2000716, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/50180438, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 4, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alexi2000716, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alex: Rich people neighborhood
Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan is one of Japan.

18. Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan

港区海岸通1-1-10, 大阪市, 大阪府
Aquarium · 港区 · 177 tips and reviews
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 5, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /136704739-FOGR24JCKQHGDQHH.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 10152866740625666, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Au, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alvin, relationship: null, id: 136704739, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alvina5419121, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/136704739, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 0, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, Ontario, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alvina5419121, gender: male, cities: null} avatar

19. UOBEI genki sushi

Sushi Restaurant · 1 tip
{lists: {groups: [{type: created, name: null, count: 2, items: []}], count: null, summary: null, items: null}, capabilities: null, challenge: null, location: null, photo: {prefix: https://fastly.4sqi.net/img/user/, suffix: /LR5PWQAHFHGHFMNO.jpg}, flags: null, coinBalance: null, followers: null, pageInfo: null, flaggingMetadata: null, checkins: null, fsAccountManager: null, campusAmbassador: null, contact: {email: null, formattedPhone: null, facebook: 1651320319, twitter: null, instagram: null, facebookLink: null, phone: null}, following: null, hasSwarm: null, followingRelationship: none, locale: null, superuser: null, venueRole: null, bio: , lastName: Ianus, publisherLogo: null, firstName: Alex, relationship: null, id: 50180438, hasMobileClientConsumer: null, canonicalPath: /alexi2000716, canonicalUrl: https://foursquare.com/user/50180438, friends: null, roles: null, venueRoleVisible: null, blockedStatus: null, tips: {count: 4, items: null, type: null, name: null}, isAnonymous: false, suShortlisted: null, isManager: null, type: null, homeCity: Toronto, translator: null, lenses: null, muted: null, venue: null, settings: null, photos: null, handle: alexi2000716, gender: male, cities: null} avatar
Alex: touch-screen sushi with direct conveyor-belt delivery to your seat
Akihabara Station is one of Japan.

20. Akihabara Station

外神田1/神田佐久間町1, 東京, 東京都
Rail Station · 秋葉原 · 126 tips and reviews
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Alex: Crazy geek store neighborhood
Roppongi Station is one of Japan.

21. Roppongi Station

六本木6/赤坂9, 東京, 東京都
Metro Station · 六本木 · 36 tips and reviews
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Alex: Nightlife neighborhood
Shibuya Crossing is one of Japan.

22. Shibuya Crossing

道玄坂2/宇田川町/神南1 (井の頭通り), 渋谷区, 東京都
Intersection · 126 tips and reviews
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Alex: Times Square of Tokyo -- busiest crosswalk in the world
Niseko HANAZONO Resort is one of Japan.

23. Niseko HANAZONO Resort

岩尾別328-1, 倶知安町, 北海道
Ski Resort and Area · 8 tips and reviews
箱根登山ケーブルカー is one of Japan.

24. 箱根登山ケーブルカー

強羅, 箱根町, 神奈川県
Cable Car · 1 tip