Lizmary's wonderland choices -The Best in Budapest
Artigiana Gelati is one of Lizmary's wonderland choices -The Best in Budapest.

1. Artigiana Gelati

Csaba u. 8., Budapest, Budapest
Ice Cream Parlor · Kissvábhegy · 51 tips and reviews
Fény utcai piac is one of Lizmary's wonderland choices -The Best in Budapest.

2. Fény utcai piac

Fény u. (Lövőház u.), Budapest, Budapest
Market · Budapest II. kerülete · 36 tips and reviews
à table! is one of Lizmary's wonderland choices -The Best in Budapest.

3. à table!

Mammut II. (3. em.), Budapest, Budapest
Bakery · Budapest II. kerülete · 10 tips and reviews
due Fratelli Ristorante & Pizzeria is one of Lizmary's wonderland choices -The Best in Budapest.

4. due Fratelli Ristorante & Pizzeria

Erőd u. 9. (Varsányi Irén u.), Budapest, Budapest
Italian Restaurant · Víziváros · 30 tips and reviews
Lángos Büfé is one of Lizmary's wonderland choices -The Best in Budapest.

5. Lángos Büfé

Fény utcai piac II. emelet, Budapest, Budapest
Breakfast Spot · Budapest II. kerülete · 18 tips and reviews
Zing Burger is one of Lizmary's wonderland choices -The Best in Budapest.

6. Zing Burger

Margit krt. 105 (Széll Kálmán tér), Budapest, Budapest
Burger Joint · Budapest II. kerülete · 36 tips and reviews