Getting From Point A to Point B

1. MTA Bus - W 42 St & 8 Av (M42)

W 42nd St (at 8th Ave), New York, NY
Bus Line · Hell's Kitchen · 19 tips and reviews

Alicia KeysAlicia Keys: I lived on the A Train! I took it 2 this station most of my life! The streets are crowded & full of intense energy since it's a block from Times Square. Might hop on again anytime! Wanna meet me? ;-)

MTA Subway - Jamaica Center/Parsons/Archer (E/J/Z) is one of Getting From Point A to Point B.

2. MTA Subway - Jamaica Center/Parsons/Archer (E/J/Z)

Parsons Blvd (Archer Ave), Jamaica, NY
Metro Station · New York · 19 tips and reviews

Alicia KeysAlicia Keys: I had a lot of friends in Queens. I took this train A LOT! Then when I moved to queens this train and the "dollar" vans were my companions. Anyone who lives out there knows what I'm talking about! ;-)

3. John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK)

JFK Expy (Van Wyck Expy), Queens, NY
International Airport · Jamaica · 3386 tips and reviews

Alicia KeysAlicia Keys: I can't count how many times I've traveled to and from this airport. It's my second home and the starting point of all of my big journeys. ;-)