20 favorite restaurants
Cram In is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

1. Cram In

Regele Ferdinand, nr. 16 (Strada Constantin Daicoviciu), Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Sports Bar · 15 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Cheap, good, pizza. Perfect place to hang out with friends.

Zorki Photo Cafe is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

2. Zorki Photo Cafe

Str. Ion Rațiu nr. 10, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Café · 24 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Cea mai bună cafea cu scorţişoară şi sirop de mentă. Mmm..yam!

Ce? is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

3. Ce?

Piața Muzeului nr. 5, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Cocktail Bar · 49 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Cea mai bună limonadă!

4. Le Sultan

Piata Muzeului Nr. 5, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Tea Room · 1 tip

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Hmmm...just go there and see for yourself.

Zetta Caffe is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

5. Zetta Caffe

Str. Petőfi Sándor nr. 10, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Café · 9 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Dacă eşti la FŞPAC, ştii despre ce vorbesc.

Pizza Delir is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

6. Pizza Delir

Aleea Bibliotecii, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Pizzeria · 12 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: One of the best pizza's in town!

Starbucks is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

7. Starbucks

Str. Alexandru Vaida-Voievod nr. 53-55, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Coffee Shop · 118 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Loc bun de scris proiecte.

L'atelier Cafe is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

8. L'atelier Cafe

Str. Memorandumului nr. 9 (atelier-cafe.ro), Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Café · 56 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: I love it! *B-Day surprise here.

Le Général Café-Pub is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

9. Le Général Café-Pub

Bd. Eroilor nr. 18, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Pub · 38 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: One of my favourite places. Good cappuccino.

La Piazzetta is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

10. La Piazzetta

Bd. Eroilor nr. 21, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Italian Restaurant · 41 tips and reviews
Insomnia Cafe & Bistro is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

11. Insomnia Cafe & Bistro

Str. Universității nr. 2, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Bistro · 30 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: I like it.

The Shelter is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

12. The Shelter

Piața Unirii nr. 25, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Music Venue · 12 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Live concerts and great people.

Irish & Music Pub is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

13. Irish & Music Pub

Str. Horea nr. 5, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Irish Pub · 41 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Good food.

14. Puzzle Cafe

Piata Muzeului (Strada Ferdinand), Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Bar · 4 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Una din cafenelele pe care o vizitez cel mai des.

Shto College Bar is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

15. Shto College Bar

Str. Memorandumului nr. 6, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Cocktail Bar · 109 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Meniu scris "mishto".

Sisters is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

16. Sisters

Str. Universității nr. 2, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Café · 101 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: New place. Looks very good!

Piccadilly Pies & Wine is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

17. Piccadilly Pies & Wine

Str. I.M. Klein Nr.23, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Wine Bar · 5 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Tarta cu ciocolată e un deliciu. Belgian, din ce am auzit.

Via is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

18. Via

Str. Inocenţiu Micu Klein nr. 6, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Restaurant · 31 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Tort de ciocolată dulce şi fancy. Nu extraordinar, dar dacă îţi e poftă poate fi. Limonada - arată bine, dar e prea, prea multă mentă pentru gustul meu.

Nobori Japanese Restaurant is one of 20 favorite restaurants.

19. Nobori Japanese Restaurant

Str. Plopilor nr. 62, Cluj-Napoca, Cluj
Japanese Restaurant · 22 tips and reviews

Alexandra I.Alexandra Irimie: Local drăguţ. Mi-a plăcut decorul, mai puţin garoafele de pe masă. Servirea..uhm. Mâncarea? Not that into sushi, însă meniurile arată excepţional şi aici am învăţat, din nou, să mă descurc cu beţele.