Always crowded. Good place to meet up after hard working day. I've seen it is very popular to order some good smelling ribs! Loads of beer and friendly down to earth service 🍔.
Greatest beer brands from Ireland, Czech, Germany and other countries, fresh from the barrel. Guinness, O'Hara, Erdinger, Hoegaarden, Murphy's, Spitfire, Bernard, etc. Nice burgers & bartenders, too:)
Not a good burger place. Firstly the meat. Well done greyish that reminds low level canned food. I doubt this is a beef at all. Chips are cheap too. Overall satisfaction - 1/5
The bar is cool, BUT the barmen wont sell you a large beer because they are closing in two minutes... As if all theese people will stand up and leave. Even more ridiculous: he sold a small one
Pačios skaniausios midijos pasaulyje! Bet kaip gaila, kad artėjant eurui, jos taip staiga pabrango visais 6 litais:( šiaip laaabai mėgstu šią vietą, draugiškaatmosfera :)
Заведение изменилось и превратилось в обычную студенческую пивнушку с самообслуживанием. Нет ни Гиннеса, ни Мёрфиса. Вообще количество сортов пива уменьшилось радикально. Очень жаль!