German Restaurant · Altstadt-Nord · 15 tips and reviews
Frank Huygens: An original German restaurant in de middle of the main railwaystation. Typical German dishes, a lot to eat and low prices. A special lunchmenu for prices you can't imangine.
Frank Huygens: A very swinging and nicely decorated place with all year around live jazzmusic. That makes up for the 4 euro's you have to pay for a drink. I still recommend it!!
Italian Restaurant · Friesenviertel · 2 tips and reviews
Frank Huygens: In the middle of the shopping district of Colonge you find this Italian restaurant. My dinnerpartner and me both had scallopino, in different styles. Original, authentic and affordable. Thumbs up!
Frank Huygens: A nice little shop I found with all kinds of oils and vinegars, that they put in bottles for you. Of course you can taste everything you want.