This museum will enlighten you culturally and intellectually through their exhibitions, programs, art, history and by telling the story of African Americans in all its permutations.
The museum collects & preserves rare, unique & primary materials that document the history, literature, politics, and culture of peoples of African descent in Philadelphia and throughout the Americas
Museum houses and interprets the life and work of African Americans. Celebrate Black History by checking out amazing African American contributions:
The museum opened in 1976 in celebration of the Bicentennial and has grown to include 400,000 artifacts. It's the first museum funded and built by a city to preserve African American culture. Read more
The PHLASH trolley runs Fri, Sat & Sun from 10-6 pm May-October 28, 2012. Just head to stops 2 or 18, buy a $2 ticket & you'll be on your way to seeing more of Philadelphia's attractions and museums. Read more
The first institution built by a major United Statescity dedicated to the lives of African-Americans, this museum has various events throughout the year concerning the civil rights movement. Read more