Parks and Gardens in Moscow.
Екатерининский парк is one of Parks and Gardens in Moscow..

1. Екатерининский парк

Суворовская пл. (Олимпийский просп.), Москва, Москва
Park · Марьина роща · 251 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: Quiet entertainment of all kinds : the pond with funny red ducks and boat rentals , tennis courts , the House of Culture , the Museum of the Soviet army with planes and military equipment , and more.

Gorky Park is one of Parks and Gardens in Moscow..

2. Gorky Park

(ЦПКиО им. Горького)
ул. Крымский Вал, 9, Москва, Москва
Park · Парк Горького · 1784 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: Gorky Park - the central park of the capital , with the attendance of more than 20,000 people on weekdays and 100,000 on weekends and public holidays. Metro Park Kultury , Octobrskaya

3. Izmaylovsky Park

(ПКиО «Измайловский»)
ш. Энтузиастов, Москва, Москва
Park · Измайлово · 356 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: The largest park in Moscow. If you decided to stay in the Izmailovo hotel, don’t forget to take a walk in there. It’s a quiet place where you can take a rest after a busy day.

4. Sokolniki Park

(ПКиО «Сокольники»)
ул. Сокольнический Вал, 1, стр. 1, Москва, Москва
Park · Сокольники · 905 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: After the recent renovation, the park’s territory became much more modern and entertaining. For those who lead an active life, moscow club “I run” holds a jog every Saturday at 10.00 am.

5. Aleksandrovskiy Garden

(Александровский сад)
Манежная ул., Москва, Москва
Park · Манежная площадь · 248 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: One of the places in Moscow, which is visited by almost every tourist. The garden is full of historical sites - Kutafiya tower of the Kremlin, Italian Grotto and others.

6. Aquarium Garden

(Сад Аквариум)
Б. Садовая ул., 16, Москва, Москва
Park · Патриаршие пруды · 40 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: A small park in the center of Moscow,one of the first recreational sites of the capital.The garden has a reputation of "theatrical oasis" as the Mossovet Theatre and the Theatre of Satire are close by

7. Muzeon Park

(Парк искусств «Музеон»)
Крымская наб. (ул. Крымский Вал), Москва, Москва
Park · Якиманка · 587 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: In the infobox of the Muzeon you can find a full schedule of the events taking place in the park, get information on tours and Muzeon sculpture collection, and buy movie tickets.

8. Kolomenskoye

(Музей-заповедник «Коломенское»)
просп. Андропова, 39, Москва, Москва
Park · Нагатинский затон · 545 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: A wonderful place for those who seeking peace and quiet. The best time to spend a day there - the beginning of autumn, as everything becomes yellow, orange and red.

9. (VDNKh) Vystavka Dostizheniy Narodnogo Khozyaystva

(ВДНХ (Выставка достижений народного хозяйства))
просп. Мира, 119, Москва, Москва
Park · Останкинский · 817 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: This place suits perfectly for nice evening walks. Lots of interesting stuff on the streets as well as inside of exhibition pavilions with its large collection of sharks, butterflies etc.

10. Tsaritsyno Park

(Музей-заповедник «Царицыно»)
Дольская ул., 1, Москва, Москва
Park · Бирюлёво Восточное · 554 tips and reviews

AeroexpressAeroexpress: This place is perfect for walking and for the photo shoots. The park has also a magnificent museum with 200 rubles entree but every third Sunday of the month its free.