Aqueduct of Segovia is one of Segovia.

1. Aqueduct of Segovia

(Acueducto de Segovia)
Pl. Azoguejo (Av. Padre Claret), Segovia, Castilla y León
Monument · 126 tips and reviews

Robert P.Robert Polding: Beautiful historic site, a good starting point in the city if you are visiting for the first time.

2. Restaurante José María

Calle del Cronista Lecea, 11, Bajo (Junto a Paza Mayor) (C. Cantabria), Segovia, Castilla y León
Spanish Restaurant · 199 tips and reviews

Leiliane V.Leiliane Valadares: Amazing well prepared food. One of the best pork I've tried. Highly recommended.

3. Plaza Mayor

Pz. Mayor, Segovia, Castilla y León
Plaza · 29 tips and reviews

Erwin V.Erwin Vanhecke: Beautiful plaza and view on the cathedral.

4. Limón y Menta

C/Isabel la Católica 2, Segovia, Castilla y León
Dessert Shop · 15 tips and reviews

JH H.JH H-D: Gotta get the local pastry! So good