"-10% en reservas directas. (No acum). -10% off hotel on direct reservations (Non accum)(Excl S.S. Preferia Feria Easter & Pre Fair)"
"Hotel en el centro de Sevilla. -10% en reservas directas. (No acum). Our hotel is in the center of Seville. -10% off hotel on direct reservations (Non accum)(Excl S.S. Preferia Feria - Easter & Fair)"
"Hotel en el centro de Sevilla. -10% en reservas directas. (No acum). Our hotel is in the center of Seville. -10% off hotel on direct reservations (Non accum) (Excl S.S. Preferia Feria - Easter & Fair)"
"Hotel en el centro de Sevilla. -10% en reservas directas. (No acum). Our hotel is in the center of Seville. -10% off hotel on direct reservations (Non accum) (Excl S.S. Preferia Feria - Easter & Fair)"