The Hungry Biologist - Bandung, ID
K99 Curry House is one of The Hungry Biologist - Bandung, ID.

1. K99 Curry House

Jl. Prabu Dimuntur, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Indian Restaurant · 14 tips and reviews

Adhityo W.Adhityo Wicaksono: The best Indian Restaurant in Bandung! Precision cooking with a touch of Indian culture make everything magnificent here!

2. Hummingbird

Jalan Progo No. 14, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Café · 246 tips and reviews

Adhityo W.Adhityo Wicaksono: Nice place for family breakfast and dining, gathering, and even for romantic date! Lovely meals with perfect atmosphere!

Karnivor is one of The Hungry Biologist - Bandung, ID.

3. Karnivor

Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 127, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Steakhouse · 237 tips and reviews

Adhityo W.Adhityo Wicaksono: Tempat menu2 daging berukuran monster disajikan. Bukan tempat rekomendasi buat vegetarian…

Verde Resto and Lounge is one of The Hungry Biologist - Bandung, ID.

4. Verde Resto and Lounge

Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 177, Bandung, Jawa Barat
Cocktail Bar · 73 tips and reviews

Adhityo W.Adhityo Wicaksono: Volcano Pizza is a signature attractive menu in here (although in my personal opinion, some improvements are needed). Cozy place, other menus than pizza is also wonderful!