"ALWAYS CALL YOUR TAXI! City: +3612111111 - Budapest: +3617777777 - Főtaxi: +3612222222. Fares fixed by law - base: 450 HUF then 280 HUF/Km and 70 HUF/min. 10% tip customary."
Rail Station
· Budapest, Magyarország
5.3"Amikor leszállsz, vegyél 3 mély levegőt a tóparton! ;)"
Rail Station
· Környe, Magyarország
"A Barlang Étterem egy mocskos ganaj hely - iszonyat draga es rossz - alabbi hasab 450Ft..."
Botanical Garden
· Budapest, Magyarország
8.9"Highly recommended, recently turned 4* but the price is still reasonable, rooms small but clean, very polite staff, close to everything!"
"Avoid taxis right outside and taxis being offered inside AT ALL COSTS! Call an official company, e.g. +3612222222, +3612111111, +3615555555, etc. Check the web, western station should be ~2KHUF MAX!"
Rail Station
· Budapest, Magyarország
5.3"Best MRI in town...;)"
· Budapest, Magyarország