99designs: Were you at this Meetup? If you missed out on Saturday (1/21/12), be sure to join the Meetup group for future events to connect with local designers | http://bit.ly/sd510w
99designs: Were you at this Meetup? If you missed out on Saturday (1/21/12), make sure to join the Meetup group for future events to connect with local designers | http://bit.ly/yZ0elo
99designs: Were you at this Meetup? If you missed out on Friday (1/13/12), make sure to join the Meetup group for future events. Connect with local designers! | http://bit.ly/yLz8F1
Zmaj Jovina (Dunavska), Нови Сад, Autonomna Pokrajina Vojvodina
Irish Pub · 48 tips and reviews
99designs: Ready for a Meetup, Serbia? Designer Ludibes will be hosting our first 99designs Designer Meetup here on the December 10th. Find out more: http://bit.ly/sSEYXY
99designs: Bangladesh designers!!! There'll be a Meetup at the Teacher-Student Centre on Friday, 2/10/2012 | Check it out & chat with fellow 99designers: http://bit.ly/xKYdnz