Eco Fashion in SLC
Deseret Industries is one of Eco Fashion in SLC.

1. Deseret Industries

2140 S 800 E, Salt Lake City, UT
Vintage and Thrift Store · Sugar House · 6 tips and reviews

Apryl G.Apryl Goldstone: Go in with a plan - color, shape, &/or texture - so you don't get overwhelmed!

Uptown Cheapskate is one of Eco Fashion in SLC.

2. Uptown Cheapskate

353 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT
Clothing Store · Rio Grande · 6 tips and reviews
Capital City Antique Mall is one of Eco Fashion in SLC.

3. Capital City Antique Mall

959 S West Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
Antique Store · 3 tips and reviews
Uptown Cheapskate is one of Eco Fashion in SLC.

4. Uptown Cheapskate

353 W 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT
Clothing Store · Rio Grande · 6 tips and reviews

Aspen M.Aspen McKenna: The best place to buy and sell clothes downtown. Plus - GREAT customer service. This is an extension of my closet and it is fantastic for wardrobing shoots!! Love love!!