amy Dubin

amy Dubin


Portland, OR
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amy Dubin
1 places updated October 27, 2011
1 place including Saucebox
amy Dubin
0 places updated October 27, 2011
0 places
amy Dubin
3 places updated October 27, 2011
3 places including Brew Dr. Teahouse - Alberta, Tea Chai Té, The Tao of Tea
amy Dubin
4 places updated October 27, 2011
4 places including Portland International Airport, Union Station Amtrak (PDX), Backspace, Floyd's Coffee
amy Dubin
11 places updated October 27, 2011
Depends what you're into, but these are rated on quality of food, service, atmosphere and value.
amy Dubin
11 places updated June 10, 2012
This is a bit of downtown, a bit of food and a bit of nature rolled into one. I would have added Sunday cabaret at Dante's but it's not every week. Go if you can!
    amy's Recent Tips
    "Super yummy pizza, but sadly only this one location! Ack! Makes me miss NYC, but only for the pizza. This place is aces in my book."
    amy Dubinamy Dubin · October 27, 2011
    · Portland, United States
    "Okay happy hour menu, huge back patio, a portion of which is covered and the interior is modern and frankly, a little cold. The fireplace makes up for all that, though and the staff is efficient."
    amy Dubinamy Dubin · October 27, 2011
    · Portland, United States
    "Great Burgers, I like the decor, it's stylish but homey, the newly renovated back patio has heat lamps so they can accommodate large crowds all year. Staff is nice, full bar, great place to be seen."
    amy Dubinamy Dubin · October 27, 2011
    · Portland, United States
    "High-end food and a high-end experience. This is after-work drinks and maybe dinner with colleagues and less 'shootin' the breeze' kind of place. I'd go to Produce Row for that."
    amy Dubinamy Dubin · October 27, 2011
    Modern European
    · Portland, United States
    "This is on my list because their beers are decent, it's a good central location, the food is good, there are ample tables and the staff is nice. It's not a warm n' fuzzy kinda place, but whatever."
    amy Dubinamy Dubin · October 27, 2011
    · Portland, United States
    "I've recommended this before, one of my favorite bars in Portland. 80 foot ceilings, pool tables, elegant bar, fast friendly service. Love."
    amy Dubinamy Dubin · October 27, 2011
    · Portland, United States