pyramus 🔥 • October 9, 2017great contemporary art museum with a strong selection of work of (primarily) asian artists
Nao T. • May 16, 2015根津美術館:隈健吾(2009)。深い軒、竹のインテリア、縦格子を思わせる意匠など、隈健吾の解釈による和の建築。デリケートな東洋の美術を守りながら美しく見せる展示室、日本庭園との連続性など、調和のとれた空間が広がる。2010年には毎日芸術賞受賞。
Tracy L. • February 20, 2020Amazing digital art immersive experience, it was very fun to explore the various rooms around. The app and staff are very helpful, enjoy taking lots of photos here.
Benjamin E. • August 2, 2015Great collection of art nestled in the heart of Tokyo. Be sure to walk around the surrounding areas and stop on the balcony for a great view of the imperial palace
Tony X. • November 25, 2013This place is oozing with charm and education. Multiple floors full of toys that challenge the mind and watching the kids play with them makes it all worth while. The arts and crafts room is a must..
Simon F. • August 7, 2019Wide collection of Ukiyo-e that they arrange into informative exhibitions. Also explains the process.
(´-ω-`) • September 18, 2020学生無料!一般でも¥1100。写真撮影ほぼOKって言うなかなか良い美術館。空間も素晴らしいです。常設展は教科書で見た事ある物多数なので、あんまり興味ない人が行ってもおっ、て思うと思う。
yoshi_rin • June 27, 2011友の会(個人会員年会費2000円)に入ると、収蔵・映像展が無料、企画展も2割引ですよ。 東京都庭園美術館、江戸東京博物館、東京都現代美術館等の企画展も2割引です。
Nobuhiro A. • October 27, 2013ホテル オークラのカフェが併設されている。
Guilherme N. • May 16, 2017Wonderful quiet place. After a bustling tour around, it is a relief to take your shoes off and wander around the house, which is gorgeous. The terrace has a nice view and a pretty garden.
Tokyo Art Beat (JP) • March 4, 20155/6まで!「動物絵画の250年」はiOS/Android割引アプリのミューぽんで2名まで20%割引!学割併用もOK♪前後期で全点展示替え。お見逃しなく!!前期: 3/7(土)〜4/5(日)、後期: 4/7(火)〜5/6(水)
Amiro P. • January 7, 2016Well designed private art museum in the Tokyo midtown mall. They offer English audio guides for their exhibitions
Wala'a A. • October 8The place is amazing! If you're in Tokyo, definitely visit. It's beautiful, and you'll enjoy hours there. With various rooms and light displays, you can take stunning photos. It's great for kids too.
Sekiguchi T. • March 4, 20161階のカフェは混雑することも。そんなときは近く(美術館から恵比寿駅側に歩いて1分ほど)のパパスカフェに行ってみては? パパスカフェが撮影のため貸し切りで入れないなんてこともありますが……。
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